George Santos rants against “worthless idiots” and praises the power of speaking the truth

Oh, George…

Jul 17, 2023 - 20:00
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George Santos rants against “worthless idiots” and praises the power of speaking the truth
Rep. George Santos
Rep. George Santos

George Santos continues to pretend all is normal with his DC career despite the house of cards tumbling down around him. Serial liar Santos is currently facing 13 federal charges of wire fraud and money laundering.

It’s become clear in recent weeks that Republicans, both at the local and national level, will be supporting other GOP candidates when it comes to next year’s primary in New York’s District 3. As this realization sinks in, Santos is throwing shade at those in his own party who have deserted him.

Yesterday he posted a lengthy Twitter thread blasting what he sees as “worthless idiots” within his party.

“It’s a sad state of affairs to see the politicians play politics over people,” he began.

“I’ve had 100% better success working with local dems than local republicans on matters related to official business. Not to mention the absolute hypocrisy of the ‘GOP’ elected officials,” he continued.

“When they wanted me to fundraise for them and introduce them to donors, I was always the first call. When they needed help with volunteers, I was always willing to share resources.

“Now that it’s convenient they are putting politics over SERVING their people. I’ve been successful at doing my constituent work, but no thanks to these so called ‘public servants’. It’s sad to see how uneducated on the issues these folks are as well,” Santos opined.

“They are under prepared and lack knowledge of the local issues. From NYC city council to Nassau town officials and assembly/ senate members. Make no mistake, I’m a Republican but some of these so-called “republicans” are worthless idiots not doing a dam thing for the people.”

He concluded, “I guess October will be a fun time to talk about this stuff & share recites (sic) (texts, emails, pictures, videos even constituents testimony). Since the hacks want to talk about transparency & integrity I can not in good conscious (sic), not speak up.”

He ended his rant with the hashtag #TheTruthWillSetYouFree.

This is ironic, given the one thing Santos is likely to be remembered for are the whopping lies he told in order to be elected to office.

Republicans come out against Santos

Santos has faced criticism from across the political spectrum. In January, six fellow Republican Reps. from New York indicated they wanted to see Santos resign after his lies first emerged.

Nassau County GOP also distanced itself from Santos.

“His lies were not mere fibs. He disgraced the House of Representatives,” Joseph Cairo Jr., chair of the Nassau County Republican Committee, said in January. “He’s not welcome here at Republican headquarters.”

Senator Mitt Romney (UT) was another leading Republican figure to tell Santos to his face that he was “an embarrassment” who doesn’t “belong” in Congress.

Santos, who made history as the first-out-gay Republican elected to the US House, must next appear in court in September. Before then, prosecutors have handed him and his legal team 80,000 pages of documents to wade through. The material lays out the evidence for the case against him. Santos denies all charges.

Santos offers to host Pete Buttigieg

In a separate development, Santos today invited Pete Buttigieg to his district. He said he’d be happy to “host” the Transportation Secretary provided he promised not to … erm, take photos.

Does George Santos want tips on how to carve out a successful, respected political career as an out gay man?

No, he wants to talk about airplane noise.

Somehow we don’t think Santos needs to worry about Buttigieg wanting to pose for photos with him.

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