Casey DeSantis’s latest charm offensive goes completely haywire after she can’t resist attacking LGBTQ+ people
Casey Desantis sat down for another softball interview with Fox News, and quickly turned the conversation towards trans athletes.

It was only a few weeks ago when Casey DeSantis whiffed on her charm offensive during a softball interview with Fox News’ Ainsley Earhardt.
So naturally, “America’s Karen” tried her hand again at being likable with another Fox News anchor.
But unsurprisingly, she couldn’t resist taking hateful jabs at transgender people.
In a sit-down chat with Fox News’ Harris Faulkner, Casey talked about how her parents pushed her to play sports at a young age. A talented horseback rider, she competed on the College of Charleston’s equestrian team, where she was a three-time national champion.
“I’m glad my parents pushed me to do athletics,” she said. “Not only was it good to get out there and make friendships, but also the competition. And not only winning and victory, but learning how to lose. That’s one of the hardest things you have to go through, and then pick yourself up and become resilient.”
That answer seems normal enough. And she could’ve left it at that. But never one to shy away from our never-ending culture wars, Casey took the bait when Faulkner asked her about transgender participation in sports.
“I think there are lot of Republicans, independents and Democrats who don’t believe that biological men should be taking opportunities from women,” she said.
That response isn’t surprising, given Casey’s devotion towards spreading anti-LGBTQ+ hate. Ron “Don’t Say Gay” DeSantis has made attacking LGBTQ+ people a central focus of his flailing presidential campaign, and Casey is more than happy to follow suit.
Last month, she cut her own virulently homophobic ad, and shared a video of Ron ejecting an LGBTQ+ activist from one of his (sparsely attended) events.
Time and time again, the DeSantis’ have made an effort to come across as kind and normal people, and they keep failing. For example: when talking about their children, Casey weirdly keeps referring to them as “my kids,” making Ron come across as some sort of… babysitter?
I didn’t know robots could have kids.— Mark Anthony (@MarkAnthonyLopz) August 22, 2023
That means he does nothing!— Linda Schoenberg (@LindaSchoenberg) August 22, 2023
They say the most obvious answer is always the answer…So…The kids aren’t his!— Paeris Whitlow (@PaerisWhitlow) August 22, 2023
On the heels of the first Republican debate, DeSantis’ numbers keep slipping.
A new poll shows his support among GOP voters dropped from 23% in July to 12% in August. That’s the first time this cycle there are more undecided voters (14%) than DeSantis supporters.
Right now, the gay-hating governor only leads entrepreneur and 9/11 conspiracy theorist Vivek Ramaswamy by four points.
With declining fortunes like that, no wonder why DeSantis can’t keep it together.
Oof. If I didn’t despise him so much I may feel slightly sorry for him. But I don’t. At all.— Brian Rundle (@BRun13) August 20, 2023
He’s done for— Ryan Bute (@RyanBute) August 20, 2023
Grinning through the pain makes that smile look even worse.— Michael VanDeMar (@mvandemar) August 20, 2023
Months ago, politicos thought Casey Desantis could humanize her awkward husband to voters. But if her Fox News interviews are any indication, that’s an impossible task. (It doesn’t help that she’s almost as awkward and off-putting as him.)
On Tuesday, Casey kept repeating that Ron is a “great guy” and “very, very smart,” as if she was selling herself on his supposed positive attributes.
“I knew very quickly after meeting him that he was the one,” she said. “You can tell he is funny, he is a great guy to be around, he is very, very smart. He has good moral compass.”
Could’ve fooled us! Judging by Ron’s sagging polling numbers, nobody else is fooled, either.
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