Drag Race UK star Charra Tea on makeover exit: ‘I waited for a Kandy Muse moment’
In her GAY TIMES exit interview, Charra Tea discusses her final hour on Drag Race UK, RuPaul’s unnecessary decision to send a queen packin’ and why season six has been an all-timer for… The post Drag Race UK star Charra Tea on makeover exit: ‘I waited for a Kandy Muse moment’ appeared first on GAY TIMES.

In her GAY TIMES exit interview, Charra Tea discusses her final hour on Drag Race UK, RuPaul’s unnecessary decision to send a queen packin’ and why season six has been an all-timer for the franchise.
“After that cabaret talent show I was like, ‘Get me my suitcases, let’s go!'” says Charra Tea. Fortunately for viewers, Drag Race UK’s garish icon persevered and delivered one of the franchise’s most unpredictable trajectories in the process, from safe-safe-safe-safe-to-waaaasp! Her bonkers Snatch Game performance of Nadine Coyle *as* Mary Poppins almost snatched her the win, while her Kylie Minogue homage Padam-ed its way into the Rusical herstory books. (Kylie approved, too!)
Episode eight saw the return of the staple makeover, with Charra transforming her beautiful mother Pamela into ‘Mama Tea’. An absolute bawl-athon, the latest instalment of Drag Race UK was – once again – lauded by fans and critics as one of the franchise’s finest hours. So much so, that RuPaul’s decision to send a contestant home felt rather unnecessary, eliciting a shocked response from viewers. Sadly, that queen was Charra, who was defeated at the hands of Rileasa Slaves to Rick Astley’s 80s classic ‘Never Gonna Give You Up’.
“In Untucked, me and Marmalade were like, ‘We’re gonna lip-sync for the win.’ So when Marmalade won and me and Rileasa were stood there I was like, ‘Right… right… My turn [for a] badge!'” Charra tells GAY TIMES. “Then Ru was like, ‘You’re both up for elimination’ and then ‘Rileasa, shantay you stay.’ I was waiting for a, ‘Kandy [Muse], Kandy wait!’ and it just never happened.”
Read ahead (or watch below) for our full exit interview with Charra Tea, where she discusses her exit, her status as Drag Race UK’s underdog and why Nadine Coyle’s lack of response to her innovative and generation-defining (I said what I said) Snatch Game impersonation has left her “fuming”.
Charra, you alright babe?
[Pretends to cry.] Yeah I’m so good, thank you. I’ve got my crying makeup, I’m in my elimination outfit and I feel wonderful. I’m very, very happy.
So, that was one of the best episodes of Drag Race ever?
Right? I feel like, every week, it just keeps getting better and better, which is fabulous. I mean, next week will be rubbish because I’m not there.
And Derry Girls icon Siobhan McSweeney will be there… Like?
I know! I was like, ‘Could she have not been there week one? When I was dressed up as a Derry Girl, please?’ Timing, come on!
Truly, this was one of the most heartwarming and stunning episodes in history. What was it like for you, being there and living it?
It was so surreal. Preparing for the show, I was back in Belfast for Christmas and I was like, ‘Mum, on the off-chance they ask you to come on to the makeover…’ and she was like, ‘Absolutely not. I love you, but I would never do that.’ So when Ru was like, ‘Please welcome to the werkroom Charra Tea’s mum…’ Being away for so long with no contact with anybody, to then your mum walking into that werkroom, it was insane. It didn’t feel like a competition, it just felt like we were all with our families, ’cause we were. It was just so nice.
She is an icon, a legend. I love her.
And she hugged RuPaul!
There’s so much love for her online right now, which is so deserved. In the episode she heartbreakingly said she doesn’t usually feel confident and beautiful. I hope she does now?
Yeah, she is so buzzing. I did a viewing party last night in London and my mum and dad came over. And it was my mum’s birthday yesterday, so it was literally the best ever live show. [She was] on the microphone like, ‘I love you all!’ I feel like it’s really upped her confidence, which is so fabulous. Obviously, she did get me sent home but at least she had a good time.
In our current political climate, how important do you think a challenge like this is, seeing parents love their queer children?
I think it’s so important, especially La Voix’s dad Richard. Was he 78? Having him was so magical. The whole filming of the episode was so emotional, he had so much love for La Voix and everyone else, he was so sweet. Seeing that representation from someone who’s a little bit older was just so magical. Then having Ritchie, Kyran’s partner as well, the range of people was so nice. I look at my mum and all her friends and the fact that she’s now an example to them… It means a lot. It was just lovely to watch and be there.
What a challenge to go out on, though?
I know! At the time I was at peace with it. I had the best time but I was like, ‘Y’know what? Fair enough. Let’s do this.’
I say this every bloody week because the season is so strong, but I really didn’t think there was going to be an elimination.
In Untucked me and Marmalade were like, ‘We’re gonna lip-sync for the win…’ So when Marmalade won and me and Rileasa were stood there I was like, ‘Right… right. My turn [for a] badge!’ Then Ru was like, ‘You’re both up for elimination’ and then ‘Rileasa, shantay you stay.’ I was waiting for a, ‘Kandy, Kandy wait!’ and it just never happened. The makeover is quite an iconic one to go home on. I feel very happy. Everyone smashed it. Being there we were all just like, ‘How are they gonna judge this?’ because everyone did so well. Normally in the makeover there’s one dodgy one – maybe that means I’m the dodgy one?
This season you were a dark horse…
I agree.
You absolutely fucking smashed it. You even said in the episode that you thought you’d be eliminated on episode one?!
After that cabaret talent show I was like, ‘Get me my suitcases, let’s go!’ After that episode I was like, ‘This is crazy.’ Then it took me a little while to find my feet. Maybe The Graham Norton Show, I know I was in the bottom, but that was the first episode I was like, ‘Okay, I’m actually in the competition. Let’s do this.’ It kind of went up, then back down, but I’m very happy. Well, I wouldn’t say “down”. This week wasn’t bad, it just wasn’t the best.
How did it feel for you to, not only subvert fans’ expectations, but your own?
It was insane. Going into it I was really excited. When I got there I was kinda like, ‘Oh my gosh, this is crazy.’ I think such a huge turning point for me was Snatch Game because that is a terrifying challenge and, going into it, I had planned Queen Victoria to a tee. I was so excited and ready for it. Then when Ru was like, ‘Do Nadine Coyle as Mary Poppins’ and I was like, ‘Hahaha [straight face]’. I genuinely had the time of my life, it was so much fun.
What I love about your Snatch Game is that you can see the wheels turning in your head like, ‘Oh my god, this is working!’
I think the storyline really helped. Because it was so stupid, it was so much fun.
Has Nadine reached out yet, whether that’s a collab or restraining order?
No! And I’m fuming. I thought we would be besties by now. Someone messaged me on TikTok and said that they’re very good friends with Nadine and that she loved it, but I don’t know if I believe them. But, I’m going to choose to believe them. I’m not gonna believe it until she reaches out. Although, the day after Snatch Game, Mary Poppins announced the cast of the new musical tour, so I was like, ‘This was me.’
Even Kylie Minogue said something!
I know! Obviously, that song was so funny but it was kind of taking the mick out of her. So when she commented I was like, ‘Oh my god, she’s gonna block me.’ But no, she loved it. I was like, ‘Kylie, what the heck?’ C’mon Nadine. If Kylie can do it, so can you.
It’s the roast next week – do you have any reads for your queens?
No. I’ll save them for All Stars. I was terrified at the thought of a roast. Bring on the roast potatoes, I’ll do that. But no, not a clue. I’m sure I could’ve easily roasted Chanel [O’Conor]. That would’ve been fun.
How’s the relationship between you two? Are you pals?
Me and Chanel are the best of friends. We both have a shoe space in Manchester and she’s next door to me, so we see each other everyday. I just love her. I absolutely love her to pieces. She’s so fabulous. She’s just such a character, I’m obsessed with her.
Drag Race UK season six has been praised as one of the best in the entire franchise. Why do you think that is? Why has it been so special and refreshing?
I think because there’s been such a range of different queens. Everyone is so good. There’s no rubbish queens. I think the challenges, as well, have been really fun. There’s not been a week where the episode’s been a bit like, ‘Mmm, okay, this challenge is a bit rubbish.’ Every week has been exciting. Chanel brought the drama. We’ve had amazing and lovely stories. It’s got everything. I think having the cash prize has really added that extra oomph to us and, also, the stakes are at play. Or whatever that saying is.
The stakes? They’re at play.
I’ve realised from Drag Race there’s a lot of sayings that I don’t actually know and I tend to make them up.
I had to Google what “garish” meant.
Not a clue.
What’s next for the Garish Queen of Drag and the world’s supreme Nadine Coyle impersonator?
I am gonna keep reaching out to Nadine Coyle and hope I get a brand collab. I don’t know, maybe I’ll get invited to her birthday party. But, I just wanna keep improving my drag. I have a few gigs coming up in Belfast, which is a bit exciting. I haven’t been back in Belfast for so long. I’m very excited for DragCon. That’ll be great. And the second best girl group from our season, Dracula’s Child, are going on tour in March – and I’m hosting the Belfast one! See what happens, I’ll keep making silly TikToks and begging for views.
Drag Race UK season 6 is streaming in the UK on BBC iPlayer.
The post Drag Race UK star Charra Tea on makeover exit: ‘I waited for a Kandy Muse moment’ appeared first on GAY TIMES.
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