Gay Pride Calendar Germany 2023: A complete CSD list of 60+ Pride Events

Karl Krause GERMANY: We checked the annual CSD agenda in the German cities and assembled as many CSD and LGBTQ+ Pride events we could find in Germany. The post Gay Pride Calendar Germany 2023: A complete CSD list of 60+ Pride Events appeared first on Gay Travel Blog - Couple of Men.

Apr 6, 2023 - 20:01
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Gay Pride Calendar Germany 2023: A complete CSD list of 60+ Pride Events

Karl Krause

Our CSD Gay Pride Calendar Germany 2023 – A complete list of all Gay Pride Events in Germany. It’s time to get equipped with rainbow flags and stand up for equality! It is time to plan your Pride Week 2023 with our Pride Calendar Germany! We checked the annual CSD agenda in the German cities and assembled as many CSD as we could find in one complete list sorted by states and cities. You will find all the dates, including some inspiring and colorful Videos full of rainbow flags and proud people of the LGBTQ+ community, in this Gay Pride overview for 2023. Additional to the well-known Gay Pride Parades in Germany like the CSD in Berlin, the CSD in Hamburg, and the CSD in Cologne, we also included the less popular LGBT demonstrations like the CSD in Wendland, the Christopher Street Day festival in Greifswald, or Aurich in Lower Saxony.

Gay Pride Calendar Germany Our Photos Videos Gay Pride Week Amsterdam 2017 ©
Our favorite kiss during Pride | Gay Pride Calendar Germany 2023 ©

Pride Calendar 2023 for Germany

Gay Travelers! Check your weekend holiday schedule and get ready for a Pride Trip to join the gay, lesbian, transgender, and queer people under the Rainbow and make Germany an even more gay-friendly country in Europe and the world. Did you know that Germany legalized Same-sex Marriage in autumn 2017? Well, those of you, who’ve already seen all of them or simply want to know how the international LGBT community is celebrating their gay pride demonstrations, should have a look at our European neighbors. In 2018, Stockholm was the hosting city of the EuroPride celebrations receiving the baton from the Euro Pride Amsterdam in 2016. After the WorldPride 2017 in Madrid and the World Pride festival in New York in 2019, you can join the next World Pride in Copenhagen – Malmö in 2021. The next Europride 2020 is planned in Thessaloniki, Greece. Happy Pride for everyone with our Pride Calendar Germany 2022 from a proud couple of men.

Buch Couple of Men - Ein Männerpaar auf Reisen ©


Order our book now!

The perfect present to inspire (German-speaking) LGBTQ+ travelers and their allies to travel the world open-minded, respectfully, and with a happy heart.

Order our book online or purchase it in bookstores in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.

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Some of you might know it already, but in Germany, a Pride is actually called a CSD or Christopher Street Day. This originated from the first big uprising of members of the LGBT community at the Bar Stonewall Inn in New York on Christopher Street Day in 1969. Since then, almost 50 years have passed, but gay, lesbian, and queer people still suffer from Homophobia all over the world. To support equality, to stand up for respect, to continue the heritage of LGBTQ+ activists and acceptance, and to show pride and love, demonstrations and pride parades are annually organized in Germany, too. We assembled all Gay Pride Parades in our Pride Calendar for Germany, one of the most gay-friendly countries in the world. We would like to wish Happy Pride 2023 to LGBTQ+ travelers, gay couples, and queer folks with our Pride Calendar Germany!

A Gay Kiss during our Gay Travels to Spain | Spartacus Gay Travel Index 2020 ©

Gay Travel Index 2023

The Berlin-based Spartacus informs LGBTQ+ and queer travelers about how gay-friendly a holiday destination is according to several ranking factors and criteria. Gay travelers can use the Gay Travel Index 2023 to prepare for their gaycation and as a guide when choosing a holiday destination. But which country ranks first? Where is it safe to travel to as a gay and LGBTQ+ traveler?

CSD Pride in Baden-Württemberg

The South-West German state Baden-Württemberg is the third-largest state in Germany, with borders to France, Switzerland, and several German states. Additional to the capital’s pride in Stuttgart, about seven more LGBTQ+ festivals will take place. Beginning with CSD in Karlsruhe in June, Freiburg im Breisgau will be the second city hosting a pride in Baden-Württemberg. The last weekend in June, the German state of Baden-Wuerttemberg celebrates a brand new Gay Pride with the CSD Schwäbisch-Hall. Stuttgart will follow in July before CSD Rhein Neckar completes the CSD and Gay Pride season in August and Tübingen in October in Baden-Württemberg.

CSD Karlsruhe Pride: 3rd June 2023

CSD Ravensburg 2022 / Queer Pride Ravensburg und Weingarten 2022: 10th June 2023

CSD Freiburg (im Breisgau) Pride: 24th June 2023

CSD Tübingen Pride: 24th June 2023

CSD Konstanz – Kreuzlingen Pride Weekend: 7th to 9th July 2023

CSD Schwäbisch-Hall Pride: 17th July 2023

CSD Stuttgart Pride: 29th July 2023

CSD Rhein-Neckar in Mannheim/ Ludwigshafen/ Heidelberg Pride: 12th August 2023

CSD Ulm & Neu Ulm Pride: 2023 – no pride date published

Chicago Gay City Tipps Gay Chicago - City Guide to Pride & Gay Neighborhoods ©
Chicago City Guide to Pride & Gay Neighborhoods | Gay Germany Pride Calendar 2023 ©

CSD Pride in Bavaria (Bayern)

Although Bavaria is supposed to be one of the more conservative German states, a total amount of seven CSD festivals are taking place from June to August as you can see in our Gay Pride Calendar Germany for 2022. Bavaria is the largest state in southeastern Germany with borders to Czechia and Austria and several German states. The first Christopher Street Day of the Bavarian pride season is taking place in Aschaffenburg followed by Augsburg, Würzburg and Regensburg. The biggest gay pride event is taking place in the Bavarian capital city of Munich in July. Finally, the Pride in Nuremberg and Niederbayern Landshut will be held in August.

CSD Aschaffenburg Pride: 3rd June 2023

CSD Augsburg Pride: 17th June 2023

CSD Passau Pride: 17th June 2023

CSD München Pride: Demonstration 24th June 2023 | Pride-Weeks: 20th to 25th June 2023

CSD Würzburg Pride: Demonstration 24th July 2023 | Pride Weekend 23rd to 25th June 2023

CSD Regensburg Pride: 29th July 2023

CSD Nürnberg Pride: Demonstration 5th August 2023 | Pride Week 20th July to 6th August 2023

CSD Erlangen Pride: 30th September 2023

CSD in Niederbayern (Straubing/Kehlheim/Landshut) Pride: 30th September 2023

CSD Nordoberpfalz (neu in Neustadt a.d. Waldnaab) Pride: 2023 – canceled

Nymphenburg Palace with Karl and Daan's Gay Couple Summer Fun ©

Gay Munich Travel Guide

How LGBTQ+ and gay-friendly is Munich? Did you know that Munich has one of the biggest LGBTQ+ Pride events in Germany? Which gay-friendly hotel should you book when planning your visit to Munich? Are there gay bars, queer clubs or even a gay sauna in Munich? We have the answers for your perfect Munich trip!

CSD Pride in Berlin & Brandenburg

Berlin, the capital of Germany, is located in the heart of the German state of Brandenburg. You might have attended Berlin Pride in the past years already, but there are more CSD parades in this region. The capital of the state of Brandenburg is Potsdam and kicks off the pride season in the north-eastern part of Germany in May, followed by the city LGBTQ+ parade in Cottbus a week later. Just followed by a brand-new CSD and gay pride in Brandenburg, the CSD in Falkensee at the end of June. A tiny demonstration which should be supported by everyone around there at this time, will take place in Wendland. At the end of July, finally, Berlin Pride celebrates summer in the city. After years of inner political disagreements with separated parades in different parts of the city, the CSD Berlin is reunited again showing off why Germany is ranked in a good place in this year’s Spartacus Gay Travel Index.

CSD Potsdam Pride: 6th May 2023

CSD Prignitz Pride: 17th June 2023

CSD Cottbus & Niederlausitz Pride: 8th July 2023

CSD Wendland Pride: 8th July 2023

CSD Berlin Pride: 22nd July 2023

CSD Falkensee Pride: no pride date published

Gay Kiss - of a Couple of Men | CSD Berlin Gay Pride 2018 ©

Best of CSD Pride in Berlin

Von Berlin mit gaaanz viele Liebe! Vor drei Jahren hatten wir die Gelegenheit für unseren Blog am CSD in Berlin teilzunehmen. Natürlich haben wir die besten Fotos und ein paar nette Reisegeschichten aus der Hauptstadt für dich mitgebracht! Viel Spaß in Berlin!

Schau’ dir die Fotos vom CSD Berlin an >

CSD Pride in Bremen & Hamburg

Our next stop: the two north German federal city-states, Hamburg and Bremen. We love Hamburg and its history charged culture. The LGBTQ+ community of Hamburg is planning a whole week of CSD and pride celebrations in 2023 in Hamburg, ending up with the colorful pride parade at the beginning of August. Hamburg Pride is celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2020 under the motto “Keep on fighting. Together.” Just a 1.5 hours by car drive in a western direction, and three weeks later, Bremen is celebrating its rainbow community at the end of August. The CSD in Germany is constantly trying to put political messages onto their demonstrations, demanding changes in politics for equality for everyone. So don’t be alarmed by posters and people shouting in unions. The Freedom of Speech is one of the pillars of the Federal German Republic.

CSD Hamburg Pride: 5th August 2023 | Hamburg Pride Week, 29th July to 6th August 2023

CSD Bremen Pride: 26th August 2023

On the run! Drag Queen on a speedy scooter ©
On the run! Drag Queen on a speedy scooter | Gay Germany Pride Calendar 2023 ©

CSD Pride in Hesse (Hessen)

In the German state of Hesse, the LGBT community organizes five CSD from the beginning of June to mid-August every year, starting in June with the cities of Wiesbaden and Darmstadt. But there is more to come in Hesse. A few weeks later, CSD parades were held in Mittelhessen in Marburg, followed by Hanau and Kassel. Undoubtedly, the biggest LGBTQ+ Pride event in the region is taking place in the German “financial capital” Frankfurt am Main. The region of Hesse is well known for its beautiful nature, dense forest, and the so-called Central German Uplands. In 2016, we had a wonderful time at the Slumber Wine Barrels at Nature Park Vogelsberg.

CSD Bad Sooden Allendorf (CSD Wanfried Pride): 4th March 2023

CSD Witzenhausen Pride: 22nd April 2023

CSD Limburg: 13th May 2023

CSD Waldkappel Pride: 13th May 2023

CSD Wiesbaden Pride: 27th May 2023

CSD MTK (Main-Taunus-Kreis) Pride: 3rd June 2023 in Eschborn

CSD Hanau Pride: 17th June 2023

CSD Mittelhessen in Gießen Pride: 17th June 2023

CSD Kassel Pride: 1st July 2023

CSD Marburg Pride: 1st July 2023

CSD Frankfurt am Main Pride: Demonstration 15th July 2023 | Pride Weekend 13th to 16th July 2023

CSD Darmstadt Pride: 19th August 2023

CSD Bad Hersfeld Pride: 2023 no date published yet

CSD Sontra Pride: 2023 no date published yet

CSD Herleshausen Pride: 2023 no date published yet

CSD Eschwege Pride: 2023 no date published yet

Pride LGBTQ+ rights Movement Proud son and a proud dad walking side by side ©
Proud son and dad walking side by side | Gay Germany Pride Calendar 2023 ©

CSD Pride in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

From the Baltic Sea in the North to Poland in the East and several German states in the West and South expense, the German state Mecklenburg-Vorpommern hosted three CSD celebrations. At the beginning of June, the first Gay Pride in Greifswald will push the region into the annual pride season. The next CSD follows in Schwerin, the capital city of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Finally, Rostock at the Baltic Sea, or as the Germans call it, Ostsee, is the hosting city of the CSD in July. New on the map since 2018 is the Gay Pride in Neubrandenburg, respectively Neustrelitz, organizing alternating CSD events. Our tip is to combine a Gay Pride trip with a short holiday on the beaches of the Baltic Sea.

CSD Schwerin Pride: 1st June 2023

CSD Greifswald Pride: 10th June 2023

CSD Rostock Pride: 15th July 2023

CSD Neubrandenburg Pride / CSD Neustrelitz Pride: 19th August 2023

Chicago Gay City Tipps Selfie with a group of queer girls at Chicago Gay Pride Parade 2019 ©
Selfie with a group of queer girls at Chicago Gay Pride Parade 2019 ©

CSD Pride in Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen)

One of the neighboring states of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is Lower Saxony, the second-biggest German state by land area, offering five CSD parades in the warm summer period. Starting with the CSD in Osnabrück in April, the next gay pride will occur in the capital city in May, followed by the neighboring city of Bremen, Oldenburg, in June. But that’s not all. Just a week later, the CSD in Cloppenburg in the so-called Oldenburg Münsterland. During silly season or the dog days, Braunschweig celebrates its summer festival weekend at the end of July, “Sommerloch” including the Gay Pride Parade.

CSD Hannover Pride: 27th May 2023

CSD Osnabrück Pride: 3rd June 2023

CSD Wilhelmshaven Pride: 3rd June 2023

CSD Oldenburg/ Nordwest Pride: 17th June 2023

CSD Cloppenburg Pride: 24th June 2023

CSD Braunschweig Pride Sommerlochfestival: Demonstration 12th August 2023 | Street Party 11th to 12th August 2023 | Sommerlochfestival 28th to 10th August 2023

CSD Aurich Pride: 20th May 2023

CSD Göttingen Pride: 26th August 2023

CSD Papenburg (Emsland) Pride: 2023 no date published yet

CSD Walsrode Pride – Tag der Vielfalt: 2023 no date published yet

P R I D E - Los Angeles Pride in West Hollywood 2019 was super queer, colorful and full of love ©
P R I D E – Los Angeles Pride in West Hollywood 2019 is queer, colorful and full of love ©

More about our Gay Pride & CSD Trips:

Buch Couple of Men - Ein Männerpaar auf Reisen ©


Order our book now!

The perfect present to inspire (German-speaking) LGBTQ+ travelers and their allies to travel the world open-minded, respectfully, and with a happy heart.

Order our book online or purchase it in bookstores in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.

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CSD Pride in North Rhine-Westphalia (Nordrhein-Westfalen)

The German state Nordrhein-Westfalen is known for its highly populated area, the Ruhrgebiet (Ruhr Area). Diverse culture highlights, events, and festivals create a multicultural summer with 28 Gay Pride and CSD celebrations throughout the region. Beginning with the CSD in Paderborn at the end of May, the German LGBT community can plan to attend gay pride festivals almost weekly starting in Düsseldorf, Hamm, Recklinghausen, Wuppertal, and CSD in Bielefeld. Before, one of the biggest Gay Pride celebrations will take place in Cologne. But don’t forget to put the CSD in Mönchengladbach, Aachen, Siegen, Duisburg in July as well the CSD in Bonn, the Ruhr CSD in Essen, and the last CSD of the season in Münster on your pride season travel bucket list.

CSD Warendorf: 20th May 2023

CSD Recklinghausen Pride: 3rd June 2023

CSD Paderborn Pride: 3rd June 2023

CSD Bielefeld Pride: 10th June 2023

CSD Düsseldorf Pride: 10th June 2023

CSD Waltrop: 17th June 2023

CSD Heinsberg/ Geilenkirchen Pride: 17th June 2023

CSD Olpe Pride: 17th June 2023

CSD Herne Pride: 17th June 2023

CSD Bochum Pride: 24th June 2023

CSD Cologne Pride: 9th July 2023 | Pride Week in Cologne 24th June to 9th July 2023

CSD Mönchengladbach:  16th July 2023

CSD Duisburg Pride: 29th July 2023

CSD Solingen: 29th July 2023

CSD Ruhr CSD/ Essen Pride: 5th August 2023

CSD Bonn Pride: 5th August 2023

CSD Krefeld Pride: 12th August 2023

CSD Aachen Pride: 11th to 13th August 2023

CSD Halter am See: 19th August 2023

CSD Hamm Pride „Bunter Hammer Straßenfest“: 20th August 2023

CSD Lüdenscheid: 26th August 2023

CSD Münster Pride: 26th August 2023

CSD Dortmund Pride: 2nd September 2023

CSD Wuppertal Pride: 9th September 2023

CSD Kleve: 14th October 2023

CSD Remscheid: 16th September 2023

CSD Eschweiler Weisweiler Pride: 2023 no date published yet

CSD Siegen Pride: 2023 no date published yet

Gay Pride Parade Edmonton Canada Gay Edmonton Pride Festival 2018 ©
Gay Edmonton Pride Festival | Gay Germany Pride Calendar 2023 ©

CSD Pride in Rhineland-Palatinate (Rheinland-Pfalz)

The German state of Rhineland-Palatine is a relatively small country with its capital city, Mainz. Main is also the hosting city of the first gay pride festival of the pride season in Rheinland-Pfalz, called “Sommerschwüle”. The LGBTQ+ community and its allies stand up together to demonstrate for equality, respect, and against homophobia. The second CSD in Rhineland-Palatinate will be held in Trier that is considered to be the oldest city in Germany. We put the CSD Mannheim/ Ludwigshafen/ Heidelberg – on this list as well since Ludwigshafen is actually marking the border between the states of Rheinland-Pfalz and Baden-Württemberg celebrating the CSD together with Mannheim and Heidelberg located in Baden-Württemberg. Finally, lesbian, gay, and queer people have the chance to demonstrate their rights in Koblenz for the CSD in August.

CSD Trier Pride: 22nd July 2023

CSD Mainz Pride – Sommerschwüle: 29th July 2023

CSD Mannheim/ Ludwigshafen/ Heidelberg Pride: 12th August 2023 | Rhein-Neckar in Mannheim (Baden-Württemberg)

CSD Koblenz Pride: 2023 no date published yet

Benidorm Gay Pride Rainbow Carnival Spain 2017 ©
Benidorm Gay Pride Rainbow Carnival | Gay Germany Pride Calendar 2023 ©

CSD Pride in Saarland

Small, but oh my…! The smallest German state, besides the federal city-states, Saarland, is located on the western border of Germany and France. Looking back on a unique place in German modern history. Nevertheless, the capital city of the Saar Region, Saarbrücken, is hosting an annual CSD with a Gay Pride Parade in June. Just another reason to visit this cultural region and to support the local LGBTQ+ community.

CSD Saarbrücken SaarLorLux Pride: 10th and 11th June 2023

CSD Pride in Saxony (Sachsen)

The east German state Saxony is home to our Karl and well-known for its cultural heritage collected and built under the king of Saxony, Friedrich August I. of Saxony, commonly known as “Saxonian King August the Strong”. Today, four CSD Parades are taking place in Saxony starting with the CSD in Dresden, the capital city and home of Karl’s family. The colorful pride parade will walk a route through the old town part of the city. Next in line will be the CSD in Pirna, a wonderful town by the river Elbe. CSD parades in Chemnitz and Leipzig will follow in July to complete the Saxonian CSD seaso. Btw., did you find the young version of Karl in the video below? Tip: Karl is shaved!

CSD Pirna Pride: 8th July 2023

CSD Leipzig Pride: 15th July 2023

CSD Dresden Pride: Demonstration 9th June 2023 | Pride Weekend 8th to 10th June 2023

CSD Zwickau – Westsachsen Pride: 2nd September 2023

CSD Chemnitz Pride: 2023 no date published yet

Dresden Gay City Trip: Gay Couple waving a rainbow flag in front of the Church of Our Lady (German: Frauenkirche) ©
Dresden Gay City Trip | Gay Germany Pride Calendar 2023 ©

CSD Pride in Saxony-Anhalt (Sachsen-Anhalt)

In the western part of the former German Democratic Republic, gay travelers will find the German state of Saxony-Anhalt surrounded by a few more German states. The capital city Magdeburg is one of the seven CSD-hosting cities in Sachsen-Anhalt. The CSD parade will take place in late August, followed by the Gay Pride in Halle (Saale) at the beginning of September. Halle is located just around the corner from Leipzig. Together these two cities are creating the Central German Metropolitan Region.

CSD Schönebeck Pride: 29th April 2023

CSD Dessau-Roßlau Pride: 20th May 2023

CSD Salzwedel Pride: 3rd June 2023

CSD Harz/Wernigerode: 24th June 2023

CSD Magdeburg Pride: Demonstration: 19th August 2023 | Pride Weeks 4th to 20th August 2023

CSD Halle Pride: 9th September 2023

CSD Stendal Pride: 30th September 2023

Strong Photos Gay Euro Pride Amsterdam 2016 ©
A Couple of Men takes Strong Photos Gay Euro Pride Amsterdam 2016 ©

CSD Pride in Schleswig-Holstein

The northernmost German state, Schleswig-Holstein, borders Denmark, the Northern, and the Baltic Sea, and further German states. The four notable CSD hosting cities are Flensburg, at the border to Denmark, Lübeck, Heide, and the capital, Kiel. In May, the first gay pride occurs in Flensburg, north, near the Danish border. The CSD in Kiel is next on the gay pride agenda with its LGBT demonstration and festivities in July. The city of Lübeck is following its CSD in mid-August.

CSD Flensburg Pride: 17th May 2023

CSD Heide/ CSD Westküste Pride: 17th June 2023

CSD Kiel Pride: 8th July 2023

CSD Lübeck Pride: 19th August 2023

Raising the Rainbow Flag 2017 | Highlights Jasper Pride Festival Rainbow Parade Marmot Basin ©
Raising the Rainbow Flag 2017 | Highlights Jasper Pride Festival Rainbow Parade Marmot Basin ©

CSD Pride in Thuringia (Thüringen)

The German state of Thuringia is located right in the center of Germany, also called “the green heart of Germany”. It is known for its natural heritage, its huge dense forest and the mountain range Thuringian Forest in the southern part of the German state. But the LGBTQ+ community is present and organizing its annual CSD events in the cities of Jena, the city of Weimar known for being the home of Goethe and Schiller, two of the greatest writers and philosophers of human history. The third Gay Pride Parade is taking place in Erfurt during CSD week in the capital city of Thuringia followed by the last CSD and Gay Pride in Germany, CSD Gera.

CSD Weimar Pride: 1st July 2023

CSD Erfurt/ Mitteldeutschland Pride: 2nd September 2023

CSD Gera Pride: 2023 no date published yet

CSD Jena Pride: 2023 no date published yet

CSD Altenburg Pride: 2023 no date published yet

Gay Germany Pride Calendar 2023 – All 60+ CSD & LGBTQ+ Events in Germany

And now it is time for you to pack your bag and explore the German cities with our Gay Pride Calendar Germany 2023! If you use the #gaypride2023 and #coupleofmen in your social media postings on Instagram and Facebook, we might select your photo to repost it on our platforms as well! Happy Pride for everyone straight and LGBTQ+ from all over the world!

For more about our gay pride trips worldwide, follow us on Facebook, TwitterYouTube, and Instagram. See you on the streets side-by-side equipped with our rainbow flags around the world standing up together for equality and peace!

Karl & Daan.

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The post Gay Pride Calendar Germany 2023: A complete CSD list of 60+ Pride Events appeared first on Gay Travel Blog - Couple of Men.

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