Hunky fitness trainer Dan Welden demonstrates what exercises will lead to more intense orgasms
Stamina, endurance, form, and confidence are not just qualities that sound like you're describing a talented lover but also traits you train.

Needing to go the gym regularly for fear of losing results is a buzzkill amid gay shenanigans – or on days when your body feels disdain for leaving the house. People can brag about loving the gym all they want, but there will always be moments when you delay working out by a couple of hours until vanity wins over sloth. (We’d rather sin in more naked ways.)
But, aside from attaining a fit body and long-term health benefits, proper training leads to better sex. Here are googled scientific facts that will prove this. Stamina, endurance, form, and confidence are not just qualities that sound like you’re describing a talented lover but also traits you train. Though the why matters less than the how, we asked DTF Body trainer Dan Welden to demonstrate exercises that will maximize your capabilities in bed and pleasure. The best type of cardio happens in the bedroom, after all. And if you’re not into building muscle, you can enjoy the viagra that is watching a shirtless Welden in tight shorts, a variety of positions, and him talking dirty to your fitness.
Glutes and Quads
Women might be able to take over the world with the right pair of heels, but gay men only need speedos and poppers to get the job done. Squatting will help you enjoy both more, but Welden says tops shouldn’t just brush off squatting for bottoms. Studies have shown that adequately training legs naturally increases testosterone levels, which usually means a higher sex drive. Legs are also the largest muscle group in the body and will give you much more strength and power for sexpert positions. He recommends resistance band glute kickbacks, single-leg glute bridges, and resistance band squats.
“Think of bottoming like a cowboy riding a horse,” says Welden, “If that cowboy has weak glutes and legs, he cannot glide along the horse’s rhythm. If that horse starts bucking, you’ll be bucked off. Now for the tops, the hip thrust is one of the most important moves when your cowboy is riding. If your glutes and legs aren’t up to par, it’s hard to be that horse your cowboy wants to ride. So strengthen your glutes and legs and be that bucking horse every cowboy wants.”
Chest and triceps
Welden says that anyone who has been on all fours for a prolonged period understands how tired your arms can get. (Relatable!) This is because your triceps and chest are not prepared to keep yourself pushed up for a long time, especially if the top is standing while leaning over, bracing his weight on your back. Or in regards to tops, Welden says this works the same if you’re in missionary style with the bottom on his back, bracing yourself above him while his legs are wrapped around your waist. As a result, your arms might blow out before your man downstairs does. “If you’ve had the opportunity to grab and suck on a big strong chest, you know that only aids in arousal,” Welden adds.
Welden does an incline dumbbell bench, an incline close grip dumbbell bench, and incline resistance band flys. He says not to focus on weight but on combining movements to get the most out of your time at the gym while fatiguing your chest and triceps and working on endurance. A quick and heavy bench will strengthen, but you need endurance, too, if you’re going to last all night.
Shoulders and biceps
Although balancing the muscle groups trained is important for both tops and bottoms, Welden says when it comes to sex, tops will have to do the heavy lifting. “If you’ve ever had a top put his hands between your legs, up your back, lift you into the air, then positions you just right so that all members align and he can glide in nicely, as he slams you against the wall, and drills you like a construction worker who loves his job, you will know that man trains his shoulders and biceps.”
Are you now wondering how to become the aforementioned construction worker featured in too many Sean Cody videos? Welden says these exercises simulate the move while training the necessary muscles; parallel grip front dumbbell raises, parallel grip shoulder press, and parallel grip dumbbell curl. Then repeat! (Like your partner will be asking.) Please do the video justice and watch it with the sound on, and if you have a good imagination, close your eyes.
Core training
This might seem obvious, but no one wants a herniated disk when going to pound town. Welden says the best way to prevent this while throwing each other around like a Rottweiler with a new chew toy is to develop a strong core. “One of the most effective ways I’ve found to strengthen my core is the ab wheel. In this video, you’ll see four variations, ranging in difficulty, to help you develop a core like Thor. Then you can be that Greek God in bed with minimal fear of getting physically hurt in the process.”
The workout entails standard ab rollout, feet-up ab rollout, ab rollout planks, and standing ab rollout. Abs might be the least fun muscle group to work out, but arguably the most fun to have, and the ab wheel will help you roll onto kinkier pastures!
Weight Training
According to Welden, strengthening certain muscle groups is the key to making your explosive evening more drenching. But weight training for the entire body is also essential for muscular balance, endurance, and ensuring your whole body is prepared to help prevent injury when trying complex positions. Your form is also fundamental when performing any exercise, but it becomes even more critical when stacking weight. “So in this demonstration, I show how to hit the back, glutes, hamstrings, calves, and chest,” says Welden. “Pay special attention to how my back does not bow in the exercises. Yours should be the same. By having the overall strength and flexibility to perform weight training properly, you’ll have the strength and flexibility to please on your knees or hanging from the trees.”
He suggests a series of bent-over barbell rows, deadlifts, and decline push-ups for weight training. And we won’t comment on how amazing his ass looks because we respect Welden! But you can in the comments below – it already feels like summer.
(Author’s note: There was a lot of ‘top’ and ‘bottom’ verbiage mentioned in this piece regarding Welden’s advice, but I always advocate versatile gays have the most fun – and reap all the fitness rewards.)
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