JFK’s grandson Jack Schlossberg is the internet’s most chaotic new crush with his flirty videos & thirst traps
Schlossberg heard his grandfather's words—"ask what you can do for your country"—and decided that meant posting thirst traps online.

“Ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country,” President John F. Kennedy famously quipped in his 1961 inaugural address.
Over 60 years later, JFK’s grandson, Jack Schlossberg, has taken that message to heart by serving his country the way he knows best: posting flirty thirst content to social media that has both amused a bemused the American public!
Yes, the 31-year-old Kennedy heir is following in the family footsteps simply by capturing the attention of masses with rakish good looks and personality to spare.
The son of Caroline Kennedy (currently serving as the U.S. Ambassador to Australia), Schlossberg went to Harvard Law School and then passed the New York State bar exam last April, en route to becoming an attorney—though if his social media presence is any indication, he’s been taking some time off lately to just vibe in Hawaii.
Ladies and gentlemen, gays and theys, feast your eyes on the spawn of the Last great American Dynasty:
In a now viral video, the handsome, shirtless Schlossberg sashays as he sings the chorus to the Beatles classic “Ticket To Ride.” Look, we don’t have the context here, but do you need it?
The clip was shared to X by New York Post reporter Jon Levine ostensibly to set Schlossberg up for mocking—almost as if to say, “Look at how ridiculously the descendent of a great and powerful political family is behaving!”
And to that we say: So what if he likes to get a little fruity?
For the record, Schlossberg has not publicly identified himself as queer. It was actually a decade ago that the then-21-year-old appeared to have published a story in the Yale student blog The Bulldog titled “Being Gay At Yale”—a post that was quickly deleted. As Schlossberg later told Gawker, the post was written by an impersonator and that he is in fact “not gay.”
In any event, the video (which now has over 29.6 million views on X) seems to have awoken a new level of appreciation for Schlossberg, especially among the denizens of Gay Twitter. The more his flirty, foppish behavior seems to rile up the MAGA set, the more we fall for him:
He’s got the looks of his dearly departed uncle, JFK Jr., and the moves of his great aunt “Little Edie”—that’s a dangerous combo!
Now, this is far from the first time Schlossberg’s online antics have piqued the public’s interest. Last summer, he went viral for his hilarious rant about why dining out at restaurants was a waste of time (points were made!), staking his claim as the internet’s new himbo king.
And restaurants haven’t been the only target of his ire: He doesn’t appear to be much of a fan of his cousin, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.—the politician and noted conspiracy theorist making an independent bid for president in the 2024 election—either.
“He’s trading in on Camelot, celebrity, conspiracy theories and conflict for personal gain and fame,” Schlossberg said of RFK last year. “I’ve listened to him. I know him. I have no idea why anyone thinks he should be president. What I do know is his candidacy is an embarrassment.” Oof, shots fired! That’s some Kennedy-on-Kennedy shade right there.
And, in the past few days, as his little “Ticket To Ride” number has brought him even more attention, Schlossberg has only doubled down on the crusade against his cousin, adopting a number of character voices—from Boston boy “Jimmy” to Russian immigrant “Vlad”—to rail on RFK.
(If we didn’t know any better, we’d say this was Schlossberg’s way of auditioning for Saturday Night Live. Are you watching, Lorne Michaels?)
“I’m so sorry for being so funny, and I’m so sorry for being so entertaining,” the Kennedy heir says in a recent Instagram video. Jack, as long as you keep calling out your unscrupulous cousin and supplying us with thirst traps, you’ve got nothing to apologize for!
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