Just when we didn’t think Megyn Kelly could get any dumber, she did this…
On her podcast this week, Kelly ranted for three and a half minutes straight about Jill Biden before awkwardly transitioning into a segment about an online olive oil subscription service.

In her latest bid for relevance, former Fox News host/failed NBC morning show host Megyn Kelly once again attacked First Lady Jill Biden for, wait for it, having a doctorate degree. She also took a swipe at trans and nonbinary people, as well, because that’s just who she is.
On her podcast this week, Kelly ranted for three and a half minutes straight about Dr. Biden before awkwardly transitioning into a segment about an online olive oil subscription service.
While the rest of the right-wing has moved on from this topic, Kelly is still furious about Dr. Biden’s doctorate of education, calling it a “fake title” and accusing her of having an “inferiority complex.”
“That’s why she got her doctorate to begin with,” Kelly said. “She wanted to feel important. And now we all have to participate in this fiction that she’s a ‘doctor’, as we understand that word.”
On the contrary, most people don’t care. Those that do, however, understand that there are many different kinds of doctors and that the title “doctor” is used to refer to someone with a doctoral degree. The term derives from Latin, meaning “teacher” or “instructor”, and dates back to the Middle Ages.
Kelly understands this too, but she’s choosing to ignore it because it doesn’t fit into the “anti-woke” agenda she’s built her entire career on.
“It’s so typical of the left these days,” she continued. “We have to use the exact words that they tell us to or we are being disrespectful. We have to engage in their fantasies about themselves, whether it’s the men who are now women, the pronouns have to be said, words like ‘field’ and ‘rule of thumb’ have to be banned. Oh, just shut up!”
Yes, Megyn. Please. Shut up.
From there, she launched into a weird commercial for T.J. Hunter (a.k.a. “The Olive Oil Hunter”) who runs an online olive oil subscription service.
“Like many people, I am trying to eat healthier,” she said, “and that is why I love good olive oil. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.”
You know I’m right. https://t.co/SMvGK2AF3K
— Megyn Kelly (@megynkelly) January 31, 2023
Kelly is obviously just trying to stir up hate and divisiveness surrounding Dr. Biden’s doctorate degree to keep right wingnuts tuned into her crappy podcast and advertisers like T.J. Hunter lining her pockets. Unfortunately for her, most people on Twitter saw right through her act.
Here’s how they’ve been reacting…
Without watching the clip I can say, with great confidence, I highly doubt it.
— Sandee (@SandeeGE) February 1, 2023
Do you think Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr had a self esteem problem or a desperate need to have the title Doctor?
I hope you don’t think he was an MD.
I’m so embarrassed for you.
— Leslieoo7 (@Leslieoo7) January 31, 2023
What is the difference between saying something provocative every day – your current occupation – and where you once hoped your career would take you?
— Rob Kilmer (@rob_kilmer) January 31, 2023
But why does it bother you so much?
— Robert Windon (@robertwindon) January 31, 2023
If they’ve earned the title they’re entitled to be addressed as such.
— Destry (@DestryBrod) January 31, 2023
You’re not getting your Fox gig back. Now twirl!
— GStrange (@strange_george) January 31, 2023
Megyn, you are the one with the issue. It is the proper thing to do when someone has earned their PHD! Its a form of respect and proper manners. You clearly are intimidated by educated women. I suggest you work on why this is such an issue for you.
— Harriet (@harriet75) January 31, 2023
This is so petty. You don’t have to do things like this anymore, you’re no longer at Fox News.
— Gina Villalobos (@GinaVillalobos) January 31, 2023
I dislike all Bidens. And maybe Jill is obsessive. But you’re wrong that PhDs & even EdDs should not be called “Dr.” PhDs certainly have, going back to medieval times. The fact MDs don’t like it doesn’t change that.
— The Occidental Jihadist (@Occidentaljihad) January 31, 2023
Stop hating and go enjoy life.
— Tom Gill 8 dollaz (@T6tommyGill) January 31, 2023
Since leaving Fox News in 2017 and then being let go by NBC in 2018 following racist remarks she made about wearing blackface, Kelly has struggled to find her footing. In 2020, she launched a weekday podcast from her basement that caters to the fringe right.
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