Lesbians From Hell: Gwen Graham & Catherine Wood Used Murder to Boost Their Sex Life (FPD CASE VAULT)

Published by Front Page Detectives Lesbian lovers from hell Gwendolyn Graham and Catherine Wood had a sick inside joke — the first initials of their victims spelled M-U-R-D-E-R. And the couple were even kinkier than that: They got thrills by having sex after a killing. Their story started normally enough. It was love at first […]

Aug 21, 2023 - 20:00
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Lesbians From Hell: Gwen Graham & Catherine Wood Used Murder to Boost Their Sex Life (FPD CASE VAULT)
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688129 origin 1
Published by
Front Page Detectives

Lesbian lovers from hell Gwendolyn Graham and Catherine Wood had a sick inside joke — the first initials of their victims spelled M-U-R-D-E-R. And the couple were even kinkier than that: They got thrills by having sex after a killing. Their story started normally enough. It was love at first sight when they met in 1986 while working at the Alpine Manor nursing home in Walker, Mich. Graham, then 23, was a nurse’s aide. Wood, a 450-pound divorcée, was her supervisor. Things got fairly bizarre early on. Shortly after hooking up, Graham and her hefty 24-year-old lover engaged in sexual asphyxia — …

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