Rudy Giuliani blames one man for all his legal woes… but it’s not himself

And it’s not Trump, either.

Jan 19, 2024 - 19:00
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Rudy Giuliani blames one man for all his legal woes… but it’s not himself
Rudy Giuliani
Rudy Giuliani (Photo: Shutterstock)

Did Rudy Giuliani take any time out during the holidays to reflect on the downfall of his career and reputation? It seems he did…. And he came to some wild conclusions.

In a tweet, Giuliani says there’s one man to blame for the bankrupt, disgraced state in which he finds himself.

That’s right… it’s himself Joe Biden.

“I know why Joe Biden and his cronies want to destroy me,” he said on X. “It’s simple. I exposed him and the entire #BidenCrimeFamily, just like I took down the Mafia and the biggest criminals on Wall Street. I can’t be bought, and I won’t be bullied into silence, Joe!”

Last month, a judge Giuliani to pay $148 million in a defamation case brought against him by two former Georgia election workers. Giuliani previously alleged the women tampered with votes. He claimed they could be seen passing a USB drive to one another to rig an election. The “drive” turned out to be a ginger mint.

Giuliani vowed to appeal the ruling. However, within days he declared himself bankrupt (although it appears he can still pay for an X blue-tick account).

He’s also facing a criminal trial in Georgia as a co-conspirator in a federal indictment against Donald Trump.

New York state suspended Giuliani’s law license in 2021.

Online, Giuliani’s assertion that his downfall came at the hands of Joe Biden met with ridicule. Many people implored him to look inward.

Rudy gets to keep honorary degree

Amid his ongoing legal woes, Giuliani did receive a glimmer of good news yesterday. Across his career, several prestigious universities have bestowed him with honorary degrees. Some of them have rescinded those degrees in recent months.

However, an official at Syracuse University confirmed yesterday that its honorary committee had decided not to rescind the honorary degree they awarded him in 1989.

The Daily Orange first reported the news, with a source suggesting the committee did “not want to take action in case” Giuliani’s suspension as a New York lawyer was ever reversed.

Somehow, we think it unlikely this will prove a huge help to Giuliani in the legal challenges he faces in the next few months.

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