Science has discovered the perfect, most desirable size for the male butt
A study used photos of male butts and asked participants which they liked best.

What constitutes a nice butt on a man? Many gay guys have their own thoughts on the matter, but until now, there has been little scientific research on the topic.
However, it’s something plastic surgeons want to know about. More and more men have been seeking backside enhancements, so it helps to have something to aim for. It’s also of interest to those considering gender-affirming surgical procedures.
A new study has appeared in the latest issue of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the official medical journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).
Just over 2,000 people took part (including 61% men). 75% identified as heterosexual, with 25% identifying as gay, bisexual or queer.
They were shown digitally altered images of a male derrière from three different angles (from the side, from the back, and at a slightly oblique angle to the camera) then asked to indicate what they found “most attractive.”
We can’t show the peachy images here but you can check them out in the original study.
Thigh–to-buttock ratio
“While previous studies have evaluated the features of attractive female buttocks, no one has really studied the aesthetic of the ideal male buttocks,” according to lead author Dr. Ashit Patel, of Duke University, Durham, NC, in a press statement.
“Our results demonstrate that there is a preferred male gluteal aesthetic,” says Patel. “The findings suggest that a moderately enhanced, well-proportioned appearance is most desirable.”
To give the more specific results, “The preferred lateral ratio in the anteroposterior dimension was 1.18; the oblique angle between the sacrum, lateral gluteal depression, and point of maximal projection of the gluteal sulcus was 60 degrees; and the posterior ratio between the waist and maximal width of the hips was 0.66.”
The 1.18 figure is the thigh–to-buttock ratio.
Breaking that down in simpler language, Dr Patel said, “Raters thought the ideal male buttocks shouldn’t be flat, but also shouldn’t stick out too far. The buttocks shouldn’t be too wide, and should retain the characteristic dimple on the sides.
“Our study is one of the first to really focus on what makes the male buttocks most attractive. We believe the findings will be helpful in discussions with patients considering gluteal enhancement, and provide guidance in achieving optimal results and patient satisfaction.”

Gay men like them bigger
The study broke the results down by race and sexuality, among other factors. Black participants tended to favor the larger thigh-to-butt ratio (i.e. bigger butts), while White participants went for slightly smaller.
Gay participants also favored a slightly larger thigh-to-butt ratio.
Half of the male participants said they wanted to change their buttocks. Forty-one percent said they wanted firmer buttocks, while 30% said they wanted to change their shape.
In discussing the results, the authors noted that gay men often feel pressured to conform to a hypermasculine ideal.
“Bisexual and gay male respondents demonstrated the greatest interest in undergoing plastic surgery. Research shows that bisexual and gay men desire a muscular body aesthetic and place additional emphasis on their appearance compared with their heterosexual counterparts.”
In short, most appreciate a degree of curvature in a male butt, but not too wide, and with the “hip dips” still visible at the sides.
Work that butt
Of course, if you want to shape your booty, surgery is one of the more extreme options. Gluteal exercises and squats can make a big difference if you keep at them.
Check out a couple of workouts from gay experts below.
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He’s a serious asset.
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