Viciously Anti-LGBTQ DeSantis Ad Ridicules Trump’s Pulse Massacre Speech, Shows Images Of Serial Killers
Mediaite reports: Ron DeSantis’ Republican presidential campaign posted a deranged ad on Friday that attacked former President Donald Trump and Pride Month using clips from American Psycho and The Wolf of Wall Street. “To wrap up ‘Pride Month,’ let’s hear from the politician who did more than any other Republican to celebrate it…” tweeted the … The post Viciously Anti-LGBTQ DeSantis Ad Ridicules Trump’s Pulse Massacre Speech, Shows Images Of Serial Killers appeared first on Joe.My.God..

Mediaite reports:
Ron DeSantis’ Republican presidential campaign posted a deranged ad on Friday that attacked former President Donald Trump and Pride Month using clips from American Psycho and The Wolf of Wall Street. “To wrap up ‘Pride Month,’ let’s hear from the politician who did more than any other Republican to celebrate it…” tweeted the DeSantis War Room, attached to a bizarre and unhinged compilation showing Trump’s ties to the LGBT community.
The video opened with a 2016 clip of Trump telling the RNC, “I will do everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ citizens,” as a rainbow pride flag was edited over the top. The video went on to show clips of necrophiliac-serial killer-rapist Patrick Bateman from American Psycho, and gangster Tommy Shelby from Peaky Blinders. Finally, at the end of the video, a drawing of DeSantis as an alligator with reptile eyes and spiky teeth could be seen.
Read the full article. Watch all of the clip.
To wrap up “Pride Month,” let’s hear from the politician who did more than any other Republican to celebrate it…
— DeSantis War Room
(@DeSantisWarRoom) June 30, 2023
Lots of issues with this video.
Chiefly, the opening line from Trump saying “I’ll do everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ citizens” as if that’s a huge hit?
Is DeSantis opposed to protecting LGBTQ citizens?
I get the message they were going for, but damn this isn’t it.
— Andrew Clark (@AndrewHClark) June 30, 2023
Wonder how the donor class feels about this video
— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) July 1, 2023
The DeSantis message is kind of amazing: “You might have thought Trump is a bigot, but occasionally he seems to say non-bigoted things. I’ll be all bigotry all the time!”
— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) June 30, 2023
This ad includes a brag that someone said his policies “literally threaten trans existence.”
— Tim Miller (@Timodc) July 1, 2023
holy shit he’s letting a millennial 4chan nazi run his campaign
— Natalie Wynn
(@ContraPoints) July 1, 2023
Ring-wing fascist propaganda loves cruelty.
— Maxwell Alejandro Frost (@MaxwellFrostFL) July 1, 2023
Team DeSantis boasting, like all normal socially adjusted people would, that his laws “literally threaten trans existence”
— Roger Sollenberger (@SollenbergerRC) July 1, 2023
Wait, wasn’t this Trump’s speech after the horror shooting of the pulse nightclub shooting?
Way to use the murder of those people to prop up your candidate.
— MAGS (@TAftermath2020) July 1, 2023
The post Viciously Anti-LGBTQ DeSantis Ad Ridicules Trump’s Pulse Massacre Speech, Shows Images Of Serial Killers appeared first on Joe.My.God..
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