’70s singer Labi Siffre: “I’ve had far more difficulties in my life due to being a homosexual than being Black”
"If you are a homosexual, you must put up with the ignorance and arrogance of white people, blue people, green people, adult people, children who have been taught very early – just about every group of people."

I have had far more difficulties in my life due to being a homosexual than being Black. And I conclude that your sexuality is who and what you are. And your color is what other people say you are.
If you are Black, you have to put up with the ignorance and arrogance of people who aren’t Black.
If you are a homosexual, you must put up with the ignorance and arrogance of white people, blue people, green people, adult people, children who have been taught very early – just about every group of people. British singer and poet Labi Siffre, 78, speaking to The Big Issue about living at the intersection of being Black and gay.
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