Rand Paul’s wife is losing her sh*t on Twitter right now over some drag queens she invented in her mind

Rand Paul’s anti-LGBTQ wife, Kelley, is losing it on Twitter again. This time, she’s up early rage-tweeting about imaginary drag queens infiltrating American classrooms. “You’d think after being shut out of school for nearly two years and having the lowest test scores in decades, American kids would have some catching up to do in the […]

Feb 27, 2023 - 19:00
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Rand Paul’s wife is losing her sh*t on Twitter right now over some drag queens she invented in her mind

Rand Paul’s anti-LGBTQ wife, Kelley, is losing it on Twitter again. This time, she’s up early rage-tweeting about imaginary drag queens infiltrating American classrooms.

“You’d think after being shut out of school for nearly two years and having the lowest test scores in decades, American kids would have some catching up to do in the classroom,” 59-year-old Paul tweeted at 6:08 AM this morning. “Instead they’re bringing in the drag queens.”

Of course, she didn’t cite any sources or provide any evidence or statistics to support her claims (probably because she fabricated the whole thing in her mind), but that didn’t stop her 100K followers from blindly accepting her tweet as fact and running with it…

Not everyone fell for Kelley’s homophobic B.S., however…

This is hardly the first time Mrs. Paul has freaked out on Twitter about what goes on inside American classrooms. And, no, we’re not talking about mass shootings. We’re talking about LGBTQ+ people.

(Sad fact: There have been seven school shootings, so far, in 2023. She hasn’t tweeted about any of them.)

Last Transgender Day of Visibility, however, Paul was so triggered that she fired off a psychotic tweet ranting and raving about Chinese third graders, math, and men having babies.

“Chinese third graders are learning multi-variable calculus. Our third graders are being taught that ‘men can have babies.’ This will not end well,” she warned.

Then there was the time she learned about an elementary school in Austin, Texas that held a Pride parade for students and freaked out… one year after the fact.

“And the assistant principal expressly told the little kids not to tell their parents what happened in the ‘pride circles’,” Mrs. Paul tweeted a full year after the event took place.

And earlier this month, she compared peaceful Trans Lives Matter protesters in Oklahoma to the armed insurrectionists who stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6, resulting in the deaths of five people, millions of dollars in damages, and a literal trail of human fecal matter all over the polished marble floors.

“I’ve heard this is a federal crime punishable by up to 20 years in prison and grounds for indefinite pretrial detention,” she tweeted, along with a video of protestors gathered inside the Oklahoma state capitol building.

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