Analysis Finds Finds No Negative Effects On Straight Marriages Since Courts Legalized Same-Sex Marriage
Axios reports: The U.S. has not seen any negative effects on marriage, divorce or living arrangements among all couples since Massachusetts issued the first state-sanctioned, same-sex marriage licenses 20 years ago, a new analysis says. A review of nearly 100 studies examining the consequences of same-sex marriage on multiple measures of family formation and well-being … The post Analysis Finds Finds No Negative Effects On Straight Marriages Since Courts Legalized Same-Sex Marriage appeared first on Joe.My.God..

Axios reports:
The U.S. has not seen any negative effects on marriage, divorce or living arrangements among all couples since Massachusetts issued the first state-sanctioned, same-sex marriage licenses 20 years ago, a new analysis says.
A review of nearly 100 studies examining the consequences of same-sex marriage on multiple measures of family formation and well-being found no harm to different-sex unions, a report from RAND and UCLA found.
The analysis found that after states legalized marriage for same-sex couples, marriage numbers jumped in those states at rates greater than what could be accounted for by the new marriages of same-sex couples alone. Researchers found no consistent evidence of an increase in divorce as a consequence of legalizing marriage for same-sex couples.
Read the full article. Hate groups warned back then and continue to claim today that same-sex marriage would result in the destruction of the “natural family.” Some, such as the Liberty Counsel, have claimed that same-sex marriage laws legalized pedophilia, bestiality, and incest marriages. Last month the Liberty Counsel declared that the still unfolding 2015 Kim Davis case will soon be before the Supreme Court.
Q&A: These researchers examined 20 years of data on same-sex marriage. They didn’t find any harms
— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) May 30, 2024
The post Analysis Finds Finds No Negative Effects On Straight Marriages Since Courts Legalized Same-Sex Marriage appeared first on Joe.My.God..
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