Lara Trump furious radio stations aren’t supporting her new music career, says she’s being “shadow-banned”

Lara Trump recently recorded her own version of the Tom Petty classic, "Don't Back Down."

Oct 7, 2023 - 20:01
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Lara Trump furious radio stations aren’t supporting her new music career, says she’s being “shadow-banned”
Lara Trump

Lara Trump is being shadow-banned!

Eric Trump‘s insufferable wife recently released a cover of Tom Petty’s “Don’t Back Down,” and now claims the song can’t be easily found on streaming platforms.

That is, except for the biggest ones. For what it’s worth, this author searched “Lara Trump” on Spotify and Apple Music Thursday and her song was the top result.

Last night, Lara appeared on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show to whine about her made-up plight. She claims she paid for a billboard in Times Square only for the company to expunge her name from the ad.

It’s miracle she was able to make it through!

“About two hours before the billboard went up, they called and said ‘We can’t put it up with the last name ‘Trump.’ Could we just use ‘Lara?’ I said, ‘Absolutely not! My name is Lara Trump, I’m proud of that name. That’s my song. That’s what I paid, and that’s what we want up there,'” she cried.

“So Sean, instead of doing what we asked, they just put the picture up of me on the horse. So if anybody was in Times Square on Friday, they were probably very confused, because there was no context to a picture of a woman on a horse.”

Lara, who was dumped last year by Fox News as a paid contributor, says she started her music career after posting a few videos of herself playing the piano.

But don’t worry: she doesn’t want to sing professionally.

Thank goodness! The reviews are in… and they’re not good!

“I love playing music that you can sing along to. But I’m not trying to be a professional singer,” she told the Daily Mail.

Later in her Hannity interview, Lara complained about her supposed shadow-banning, and questioned why her song isn’t receiving radio play.

“It’s really sad. This is the kind of treatment that I think conservatives are used to,” she bemoaned. “We’re used to being censored, we’re used to being shadow-banned. So many people told me on Apple Music, on Spotify, on Amazon Music, they wouldn’t put my song on the radio, because it was too political.”

That’s right: too political! Lara’s off-key karaoke version of “Don’t Back Down” is also apparently a renowned right-wing rallying cry.

Who knew?!

Of course, the probable reason why radio stations aren’t playing Lara’s unoriginal tune has nothing to do with politics, and everything to do with a cease and desist. Three years ago, Tom Petty’s family ordered Donald Trump to stop using the mega-hit at his rallies.

“Both the late Tom Petty and his family firmly stand against racism and discrimination of any kind,” the family’s statement reads. “Tom Petty would never want a song of his used for a campaign of hate. He liked to bring people together.”

But yet, Lara, who’s Trump’s daughter-in-law, went ahead and recorded her version of “Don’t Back Down,” anyway.

Maybe radio stations aren’t giving her airtime, because they don’t want to go against the Petty family’s wishes. Or maybe they’re afraid of being sued themselves.

Orrrr perhaps…the song is just bad?

SO political!

It’s been a rough stretch for the Lara-Eric Trump household in terms of TV hits. Earlier this week, Eric also appeared on Hannity, and melted down over daddy’s fraud trial.

On Wednesday, Eric took his petulant act to Newsmax, and wallowed about the conditions of the New York City courthouse holding his dad’s trial (Donald Trump is voluntarily attending the proceedings).

Wow. Lara Trump being denied radio play, Eric Trump sitting in an allegedly dingy courthouse. This family needs a break!

Maybe Daddy Donald can become Speaker of the House? Eric sure seems to like that idea!

Provided his old man gets a bigger gavel…

Eric and Lara will never back down from looking like fools, huh?

Listen to Lara’s new song below. Or don’t.

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