Lather, rinse, rewind: 6 homoerotic shower scenes from film and TV
These scenes are hot enough to fog up your bathroom mirrors.

Recently, we were bummed to learn about ’90s erotic thriller Wild Things‘ gay shower scene that could have been.
In an interview for the cult classic’s 25th anniversary, director John McNaughton revealed the script originally intended for Kevin Bacon and Matt Dillon’s characters to be partners, and they were going to consummate their love in a sexy shower moment. However, a certain actor (*cough* Matt Dillon *cough*) wasn’t game.
But you won’t see us crying over dropped soap because, the truth is, cinema has a rich tradition of homoerotic—and outright gay—shower scenes that have kept our mirrors plenty fogged up, if you know what we mean.
Click through our list of movies and TV shows with some of the steamiest gay shower moments in memory. Plus, we’ve included info on where you can watch them, so you’ll know where to look next time you need a nice, hot rinse.
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