Piers Morgan rips into Kari Lake over her claims of rigged elections
But he also doesn’t want to hear about queer nature….

Failed Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake went up against Piers Morgan on his show, Piers Morgan Uncensored, on Wednesday night. If she expected an easy ride, she was mistaken.
The two discussed the sentencing of key Proud Boys figures over the January 6th insurrection. Lake, predictably, claimed it wasn’t an insurrection but a “staged riot”. Morgan was having none of it.
“If it had been the other way around — if Donald Trump won that election, beaten Joe Biden and these were Democrats, hundreds of thousands of Democrats storming the US Capitol to try and stop that election being ratified with zero actual evidence of any election being stolen… I can absolutely bet my house that you would have come on this show and argued the complete opposite,” Morgan said.
“If the November 3rd election would have been rigged and stolen the way it was against the Democrats, I would be appalled as an American,” Lake responded. “This isn’t about Democrat, Republican. It’s about the way that election was run.
“More and more evidence is coming out about how bad 2020 was,” she continued. “The polls are showing that the majority of Americans now believe that the 2020 election was wrought with fraud.”
“No they don’t! That’s complete nonsense,” Morgan laughed. “Oh, Kari. As we would say across the pond, that is an absolute whopper.”
“Majority of Americans in every poll I’ve seen do not believe that the election was stolen. You know why? Because it wasn’t stolen,” Morgan said.
Lake, smiling politely, pressed on. She claimed the topic of election integrity is something she follows as it’s “near and dear” to her heart.
“I don’t think you follow election integrity,” Morgan retorted. “I think what you want to do, like Donald Trump, you want to fuel the sense that every time you guys lose a fair election, it’s unfair and rigged and stolen — every time you win, it’s the purest example of efficient working democracy imaginable. That’s really what it boils down to.”
“Spirited debate”
Online, many praised Morgan for shooting down Lake’s nonsense.
Lake herself took to X (formerly Twitter) to make out she wasn’t bothered about her on-screen humiliation.
“Another chat with @PiersMorgan turns into yet another spirited debate. Honestly, these things are a blast. Till next time, Piers!”
Morgan slams ‘Queer Nature’
Although Morgan was right to press Lake on her baseless claims of election fraud, elsewhere on the show, he took aim at a pro-queer initiative in a famed botanical center.
Kew Gardens, in south-west London, is the most famous, historic botanical garden in England. In October, it’s hosting a ‘Queer Nature’ initiative, celebrating “diversity in art, plants and fungi.” It will include “an evening of queer entertainment in amongst the foliage of the iconic Temperate House. Expect music, cabaret, comedy and talks alongside a sprinkling of queer joy.”
Morgan took aim at the idea in a discussion with gay comedian James Barr.
“My question for all of this is, why?” Morgan asked. “Why are we having some queer celebration of things like mushrooms?”
Barr went on to point out that fungi have have over 23,000 sexes.
Morgan ignored this and pressed on.
“We’ve just had Pride month, where the entire month was taken up with turning everything LGBTQ … Why can’t we just have straight plants?”
Barr jokingly suggested Morgan anger was due to him losing out on a National TV Award (a high-profile British awards show) the previous night to gay presenter Graham Norton.
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