This JK Rowling fan just let her transphobia carry her to an embarrassing world record
She really thought she did something.

TERFs (trans-exclusive radical “feminists”) have a habit of embarrassing themselves. From supporting genital checks for student athletes to openly allowing neo nazis into their “gender critical” movement, it’s nothing but bad look after bad look. It’s hard to twist the idea of reducing womanhood down to a person’s genitals into brave, feminist messaging, but they’re going to keep trying!
A particularly brain-numbing example of TERF cringe came through this week from JK Rowling enthusiast Emily Kaht. The amateur runner shelled out good money for a hyper-specific Guinness World Record to try to own the trans community, who immediately owned her right back.
Kaht ran a half-marathon while dressed as a witch, with a “This witch doesn’t burn” message wrapped around her party city broomstick. She then purchased a world record plaque declaring her run to be “The fastest half-marathon dressed as a witch”.
She really thought she did something:
This “fastest”, world record-worthy time clocked in at 1:55:04. The average runtime for a half marathon is 1:50:15.
Like us, her fellow Twitter users were not moved. Witches, trans people, and general folks with common sense all came out of the woodwork to let her know exactly how impressive her big record is.
Turns out that witch actually got plenty of burns:— Bee
(@BumblinBeeee) March 21, 2023
You sauntered through a half marathon and couldn’t stop by a decent costume shop?— sheikah (@darksheikftf) March 21, 2023—
Suspicious Midnight Fox of Fantastic Demeanour
(@fantasticalicef) March 20, 2023
Imagine thinking that the legacy of witches is not to be opposed to witch hunts, but just to make sure those witch hunts are aimed at even more marginalized people than yourself.—
(@GayestFesh) March 20, 2023
Trans people aren’t hunting you down.
Trans people aren’t making laws to eradicate you.
Trans people aren’t trying to dictate how you look or live your life.
You people are doing that.
You aren’t one of the witches.
You’re one of the people rounding them up and burning them.— autistictic – #EndAutmisiaNow #StopTheShock (@autistictic) March 20, 2023
If people liked Emily had an iota of historical literacy, they might grasp that the witch hunts were made up of suspicion of immorality, accusations of harm against women minding their business, and harshly punishing people unjustly. Unfortunately, their victim complexes are too all-encompassing for them to ever consider they might be on the wrong side.
TERFs think of the term TERF as a “slur” meant to silence them. If only it were working! Maybe a little silence would allow them to retain a shred of dignity.
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