Flailing Ron “Don’t Say Gay” DeSantis just sent out his most desperate (and transphobic) fundraising plea yet

Give it up, dude!

Jul 1, 2023 - 20:00
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Flailing Ron “Don’t Say Gay” DeSantis just sent out his most desperate (and transphobic) fundraising plea yet
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in his new 'Top Gov' advert

A long-time Republican operative recently called Ron “Don’t Say Gay” DeSantis the “worst candidate” he’s ever seen.

The flailing Florida governor’s recent emails begging supporters for money probably won’t do much to sway him off that assessment.

For the last week, DeSantis has been flooding his supporters’ email inboxes with the subject line: “Do not tell my children that men can get pregnant.” Politico says he’s sent out that bizarre missive not one, not two, but three times.

With a key fundraising deadline Friday, Republican candidates have been trying to drum up cash any way they can. Donald Trump, unsurprisingly, has led emails with his ever-increasing legal woes–and to strong success.

Nikki Haley, meanwhile, is contrasting her comments on race with President Barack Obama‘s.

Politico analyzed the recent fundraising emails from top Republican presidential contenders, and found the word “woke” appears in 40.7% of them. Joe Biden is second at 34.3%, with “Left” taking third at 22.5%.

Those numbers indicate that Republicans are hellbent on making next year’s election all about the culture wars and Biden. But nobody is digging in harder than DeSantis, who’s obsessed with demonizing LGBTQ+ people.

While some transgender men can get pregnant, it’s a rare occurrence; and obviously, not even close to one of the biggest issues facing society. But DeSantis is all aboard the culture war train, despite mounting evidence that his campaign is becoming derailed.

A new NBC News survey shows that DeSantis’ support has fallen by nine percentage points since April, putting him behind Trump by 24 points in a hypothetical race between the two. DeSantis’ unfavorable rating stands at 48.1%, compared to 32.1% in January.

The more exposure DeSantis receives, the less support he receives. Who could’ve imagined?

He has such a fun-loving personality!

From snubbing WW2 veterans to not answering questions from potential voters, it’s apparent that DeSantis is horrible at this whole campaigning thing.

Most recently, he tried the ol’ Rick Perry routine about eliminating federal agencies. His efforts didn’t go over well.

Unfortunately, DeSantis is good at attacking LGBTQ+ people.

During Florida’s last legislative session, he expanded “Don’t Say Gay” to all grade levels, signed a bill outlawing gender-affirming care for minors and made it a criminal offense if adults don’t use the bathroom that corresponds with the sex they were assigned at birth. The legislature also passed a bill targeting drag shows.

But the crueler he gets, the worse he performs. Maybe that’s because when he’s not scapegoating gays, he’s doing things like allowing roads to be built his radioactive mining waste.

No wonder why he’s spending his time talking about pregnant men…

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