Turns out, gay sex with an intergalactic alien is completely out of this world!

Actual space travel is expensive, dangerous, and quite lonesome. But you can travel the galaxy and hook-up with a sexy alien in "The Symbiant."

Feb 4, 2023 - 13:24
Feb 4, 2023 - 13:30
 0  6
Turns out, gay sex with an intergalactic alien is completely out of this world!

Danya and Brahve get closer over some intergalactic drinks

It’s fun to imagine traveling to the Milky Way’s many stars and planets. But actual space travel is mega-expensive, dangerous, and would require literally thousands of years to travel to places light years away.

So until someone masters folding time and space, would-be space explorers will have to enjoy playing The Symbiant instead. It’s a newly-released gay visual novel that’ll satisfy your queer intergalactic wanderlust while also throwing in a hot alien with a mysterious past.

In The Symbiant, you control Danya, a space pilot who mans his humble spaceship, The Ameretat, in the year 5066. Danya and his green-skinned alien female engineer Juniper usually help transport goods to different planets. But after a troubled transport gig damages their ship and empties their bank account, they get a generous offer to transport a beautiful but secretive alien who calls himself Brahve.

Brahve is a blue-skinned “Symbian expert” who studies mutually beneficial interactions between different intergalactic species. He seems friendly enough, and it’s only a six-week trip to take him to his destination, Odaria in the DeX93 system. But Danya begins to feel suspicious when he hears strange noises coming out of Brahve’s room. Mm-hmmmm…

As Danya and Brahve start bonding over some private chats and bare-chested kissing, Danya can’t help feeling question Brahve’s true identity and the mysterious cargo he’s brought onboard Danya’s ship. It all comes to a head when a hostile alien spacecraft comes into contact with Danya’s ship.

As with most visual novels, players must choose Danya’s responses, changing outcomes with their decisions. But unlike most visual novels, The Symbiant contains optional adult content, including some very phallic tentacles which seem both sexy and threatening — ahhhh, the strange novelties of alien hook-ups.

Of course, if aliens and space travel aren’t your thing, you can always hook-up on Earth in such video games as the very sexy medieval fantasy novel The Alchemist, the softcore gay dating simulator Dream Daddy, or the many explicitly sexy gaymes of Robert Yang.

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