Alex Jones offers dumbest explanation yet for Tucker Carlson’s ouster from Fox
Sure, Jan.

Discredited conspiracy theorist Alex Jones has offered up what’s probably one of the craziest explanations yet for Tucker Carlson’s hasty departure from Fox News.
Jones appeared this week on conservative Steven Crowder’s Louder With Crowder podcast. He says Carlson’s exit was related to Ruper Murdoch’s then-fiancée, Ann Lesley Smith.
Murdoch, 92, the founder of Fox News’s parent company News Corp, became engaged to Smith, 66, in March. The engagement was called off two weeks later.
Jones says insiders have told him about a visit Carlson recently made to Murdoch’s Bel Air Mansion to enjoy dinner with the billionaire and Smith.
According to Jones, Smith is “a big fan of Tucker, has become a religious Christian because of Tucker, and she thinks of Tucker like a prophet. Tucker has become very Christian. Before, he was kind of agnostic, raised Episcopalian, wasn’t sure if God was real but thought Christians were good for society.
“Then, he’s had experiences, seen things, grown … saw the road to Damascus, where he really knows it’s about good versus evil. He’s been saying that. And Rupert Murdoch is an atheist and got really freaked out. Wouldn’t talk. Basically left the dinner table. He was friends with Tucker before that. And the next day, broke up with his girlfriend. Said, ‘I’m done with you. Get out of here’.
“And so, whatever went on at that dinner, and I don’t have all the details… that’s what it is.”
“Not how white men fight”
Jones’s interpretation of what went down is certainly … out there. Most observers believe Carlson’s unexpected departure was likely related to the Dominion defamation lawsuit against Fox News.
The media company settled the matter for a whopping $787.5 million. However, it didn’t stop a trove of private messages from leading Fox News figures being revealed. This included messages from Carlson privately suggesting he knew Trump’s claims of election fraud were bogus.
This week, the New York Times revealed that Carlson sent a text message to a producer in which he suggested white men fight differently to other races.
“Watching video of people fighting on the street in Washington. A group of Trump guys surrounded an Antifa kid and started pounding the living shit out of him,” said the alleged message.
“It was three against one, at least. Jumping a guy like that is dishonorable obviously. It’s not how white men fight.”
According to the New York Times, messages like this becoming public prompted Fox News to make a decision to distance itself from Carlson.
News of the “white men” text prompted condemnation from many.
Alex Jones, the founder of Infowars, has filed for bankruptcy for himself and his company, Free Speech Systems. Last year, he was ordered to pay around $1.5 billion in defamation costs to the relatives of the victims of the Sandy Hook school shooting. He has yet to have paid them any money.
Mug Club founder Steven Crowder found himself trending online last weekend for his own ignoble reasons. Video footage emerged from 2021 of him berating his heavily pregnant wife and telling her he did not love her. The two have been locked in a bitter divorce for the past several months.
Reaction to Jones’ latest claims prompted mass eye-rolls online.
Yea. I thought it would turn out to be the old Atheist Hires a Prophet and Then Breaks Up with Girlfriend story. Thank God Alex is still on the air….— Max Quinn (@MaxmillianQuinn) May 4, 2023— SM Rose (@smr0se) May 4, 2023
*a close look inside Alex Jones' head— Richard Rash (malpha ale) (@MeMcCraycray) May 4, 2023
He should reduced to selling his thick gravy blood every week and sending every red cent to the parents he tortured with his slanderous mouth farts.— Jay Black (@jayblackisfunny) May 4, 2023
Tucker as prophet was not even on my bingo card.— volewhisperer (@volewhisperer) May 4, 2023
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