Cher Dishes on Aging & Beauty at 77: ‘I’m Not Trying to Be Young; I Am Who I Am’
Published by Morning Honey Cher is one of those timeless celebrities, both when it comes to her music and her style. At 77, the “If I Could Turn Back Time” singer appears as vibrant and fashionable as ever — and she credits that to a few different factors. On September 4, Cher appeared on Good […]

Morning Honey
Cher is one of those timeless celebrities, both when it comes to her music and her style. At 77, the “If I Could Turn Back Time” singer appears as vibrant and fashionable as ever — and she credits that to a few different factors. On September 4, Cher appeared on Good Morning Britain to promote her new ice cream brand, Cherlato, offer an update on her long-awaited memoir and tease her upcoming Christmas album. Co-host Susanna Reid segued into Cher's interview by noting that the music icon marked her 77th birthday in May by tweeting, “Will someone please tell me when will I feel old?” Cher repli…
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