DeSantis camp slams Nikki Haley’s slavery comments months after Florida’s own controversy
Published by Orlando Sentinel The DeSantis campaign is denouncing GOP presidential rival Nikki Haley for failing to cite slavery as a cause of the Civil War, but critics were quick to recall Gov. Ron DeSantis' own controversy from the summer on the history of American slavery. “Maybe you should sit this one out,” wrote Carlos […]

Orlando Sentinel
The DeSantis campaign is denouncing GOP presidential rival Nikki Haley for failing to cite slavery as a cause of the Civil War, but critics were quick to recall Gov. Ron DeSantis' own controversy from the summer on the history of American slavery. “Maybe you should sit this one out,” wrote Carlos Guillermo Smith, a former Democratic state representative from Orlando and current state Senate candidate, addressing the DeSantis campaign's comments. Haley, the former governor of South Carolina, the first state to secede from the union in 1860, said in response to a questioner in New Hampshire on W…
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