Gays recall the times TSA agents found their special toys and supplies in their luggage
What's that in your carry-on, Sir?

By now, hopefully, you’ve seen that viral video of the TSA agent giving a woman a knowing look after finding a sex toy front and center in her carry-on.
Or maybe you’ve read about the TSA agent who found a vibrator during a routine bag search and left the passenger a note reading, “GET YOUR FREAK ON GIRL.”
Yes, people travel with bedroom aides and supplies all the time, and sometimes those private possessions become public knowledge! Just check out these Reddit users’ anecdotes from a recent r/askgaybros thread—anecdotes that were edited for brevity and grammar—and try not to perish from secondhand embarrassment.
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“My sex toy was up on the big screen, plain as day, for everyone who walked by to see. Makes a great story, though!”
“Going through security, my bag gets redirected after going through the scanner. I don’t think much of it until they bring it to a separate stand and bring up the scan. TSA lady points to an (extremely sus-looking) object, and I recognize it real fast. Turns out, I left my butt plug with a metal core at the bottom of my backpack. I just mutter, ‘Oh, yep, I know what that is.’ Then she digs through some stuff and pulls it out. I mutter. ‘That’s the one,’ and she doesn’t ever look at me. She just says I can take the bag and walks away. This was my returning flight home, too, so either the other airport just knew what it was or didn’t think anything of it. Learning from this experience and definitely getting a second backpack.”
“Coming home from IML 2002, I had our floggers in the carry-on. The agent takes one out and starts to twirl it around in front of everyone. I wanted to die. I’m a firm believer that kink shouldn’t be a public display. She commented that the flogger was nicer than the one she had at home.”
“It happened going through security on my way to fly to see my boyfriend. As I’m emptying my pockets, I remember how, on my way out the door, I hastily stuffed some nipple clamps in my pocket. And now, with this heavy-breathing TSA guy glaring ‘hurry the f*ck up’ at me, I try to quietly pull the clamps and the chains connecting them out, but one gets snagged, and when I drop them into the tray, they’re loud. I reflexively look up at the TSA agent, who’s chuckling and shaking his head. ‘You’re all good, man. I don’t even want to know.’”
“They pulled my sh*it aside to inspect my Fleshlight. I was only nervous because I think it was still wet and had pubes all over it.”
“I had a couple of dildos in my carry-on. I don’t really care who knows, but as I’m waiting for my bag to come out, I watch the two ladies run my bag back and forth four times through the tunnel, staring at the screen. I took my bag and left. No drama.”
“I was headed to Gay Days Orlando and brought some toys. Didn’t tell my husband, but I knew TSA would stop me for a secondary search. The looks on my husband face’s and the poor TSA guy’s was priceless. I laughed the whole time. Don’t be ashamed of your sex needs.”
“I had a Mr. S harness in my bag, and under the scanner, all you can see is the metal connector rings. They looked kinda like giant grenades. They went through my entire suitcase because of it, and I just told them, ‘I make adult content. You’re gonna see my stuff in there.’ And they giggled. On the way back, I removed the harness and placed it on top of the bag so it was visible. Went through with no issues. Sometimes they just need to see what’s in your bag if it looks weird.”
Gay man says he was deported from Australia for having Truvada and sex toys in his luggage
Border agents accused him of trying to enter Australia to find sex work.
“TSA found my friend’s Fleet enema that he packed and forgot to take the liquid out of, lol.”
“I traveled internationally and had a 3 oz. unmarked container of lube that customs examined. The male agent pulled it out of the toiletry bag in its ziplock bag and quickly gave it to the female agent next to him, whose face instantly turned to a frown after she opened the ziplock, reached in, and realized it leaked a little, and now her fingers were all slick. She dropped it back in the toiletry bag and proceeded to try and find something to wipe the silicone lube off onto. Totally worth the amusement.”
“I have traveled with a penis pump several times, and they always ask me about it, but they always know what is it for.”
“I had a giant silicone Bad Dragon sex toy—think, like, 14-inch dildo—in a carry-on bag. They pulled it aside for screening, and they opened my suitcase and immediately slammed it shut. The TSA agent was really flustered, and I started giggling a little, and they stormed off, and I continued on my way.”
If this sort of thing has happened to you, know that TSA agents have seen it all… and sometimes, they’ve used it all.
“One of the guys who come over to play with [me and my husband] is a TSA agent. Brings a bag of leather gear and sex toys all the time,” one other Reddit commenter wrote on the thread. “Some of the agents are bigger sluts than you and wouldn’t bat an eye.”
Peculiar object found at a 2,000-year-old Roman fort might actually be ancient sex toy
The object was first mistaken for a darning tool.
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