Is this film really about lab safety or something more salacious? We have our doubts.

"Take this shirt off!" John orders as Chris rips the buttons off the front of his shirt. "GET IT OFF!"

Apr 27, 2023 - 20:01
 0  8
Is this film really about lab safety or something more salacious? We have our doubts.

Chemical spills are no laughing matter. The uncontrolled release of hazardous materials, either as a solid, liquid or gas, can have devastating impacts on both a person’s health and the environment.

But this industrial video from the late ’80s or early ’90s about how to operate an emergency safety shower in a lab is hilarious because of its unintentionally homoerotic undertones. (Honestly, we’re not 100% convinced it isn’t actually the opening scene from an x-rated VHS tape.)

The video was uploaded to YouTube a while back and shows a bearded man named John working by himself in a lab when all of a sudden he spills a toxic substance on his body.

“Help! Chris! Chemicals!” he shouts before reaching for the lever on the emergency safety shower and being doused in water.

Moments later, Chris appears from around the corner to help his colleague get undressed. “John, what happened?!” he asks.

“Take this shirt off!” John orders. Chris begins ripping the buttons open. “GET IT OFF!” John hollers.

Next, Chris kneels down in front of John and says, “Take your pants off!”

Then he assists in undoing John’s fly with one hand and rubbing his chest with the other. He slides John’s jeans down around his ankles as water continues to pour down on both gentlemen.

“The most important treatment for chemical spills is immediate and extensive rinsing,” the narrator says. “Contaminated clothing should be removed promptly.”

At this point, John is wearing just his tighty whities, which are drenched, as he sits down on the floor facing John with his legs open. The video stops there, so we can only imagine what happens next, but we sure hope everyone’s OK!


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