Omar Ayuso goes for a wild ride and an even wilder Grindr date in his gritty new road trip movie
'Elite' fans will soon be able to drool over Omar Ayuso on the big screen too.

Elite fans will soon be able to drool over Omar Ayuso on the big screen too.
The Spanish hunk’s new film project is entitled On the Go and by the looks of the first images viewers are going to see him get into some very risque situations.
Ayuso is no stranger to getting down and dirty portraying gay high school student Omar Shanaa on the blockbuster Netflix series, but he appears to be taking things up a notch in his movie.
In One the Go, Ayuso plays a character named Jonathan who deals with his abandonment issues by hooking up on Grindr. Relatable.
Earlier this week, the 25-year-old shared a new photo from the Spanish-language production showing him in the throes of passion with guy who can’t keeps his hands off him. Also relatable.
In addition to his raunchy romps, the film follows as Ayuso and two friends embark on a gritty road trip in a white convertible.
Along the way, the trio get debaucherous, meet up with sketchy characters, and wind up in a precarious situation with Ayuso waving a gun to get away from a group of people on the side of a road.
According to the film’s description, it’s “a delirious road movie, full of music, where a mysterious mermaid with a magic crown will set the course of the journey.”
Feast your eyes on Ayuso in the film’s trailer:
On the Go also stars Julia de Castro, Chacha Huang, and Jordi Roig, and will premiere at the Cannes Film Festival this week. It’s unclear when the film will be released in theaters.
Ayuso has been keeping very busy since wrapping up production on Elite’s seventh and final season in March.
After being part of the original cast that launched the series in 2018, Ayuso departed following the culmination of show’s fifth season. But fans were given a early Christmas gift after Netflix announced he’d be back reprising his beloved character for the show’s swan song.
Since finishing up the Netflix gig, Ayuso has been busy dying his hair while juggling roles on various stage and screen projects. In recent weeks, he’s gone from his natural dark locks to green to blonde and back to green. Looking equally hot in each and every shade!
This past Sunday, Ayuso finished a two-month stint headlining the Madrid production of the hit Broadway play The Sound Inside and he’s currently in the midst of filming the upcoming six episode TV adaptation of Javier Giner’s autobiographical novel Yo Adicto for Disney+.
Ayuso is more in demand than ever and we’re not one bit surprised.
While we anxiously wait for Netflix to reveal Elite‘s premiere date, take in some of Ayuso’s latest sizzling looks:
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