SAGE Center Bronx, an older adult center across the street from Crotona Park, has been named a Ready New York Older Adult Center of the Year in recognition of its emergency preparedness efforts.
The New York City Emergency Management and New York City Department for the Aging presented the honor during a March 13 ceremony at the center, which offers emergency preparedness classes in addition to its other offerings, such as free or low-cost meals, computer literacy training, programs and activities, and events throughout the week.
The SAGE Center Bronx is located in the same building as Crotona Pride House, a residential building serving LGBTQ older adults at 1784 Prospect Ave.
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SAGE's Lynn Faria and Bryan Ellicott-Cook.Donna Aceto[/caption]
In a press release celebrating the honor, SAGE noted that the center bought clothes, food, and household items to help two members who were affected by a fire. The center also serves as a cooling center on hot summer days.
“SAGE Center Bronx has displayed outstanding work in the LGBTQ+ community and beyond," NYC Emergency Management Commissioner Zach Iscol said in a written statement. “We are thrilled to recognize the facility for their continuous effort in conducting emergency preparedness classes, exemplifying their hard work, compassion, and resilience. Older adult centers are pivotal in providing an array of programs and services to their communities. As we experience more severe weather, it’s critical that New Yorkers know what to do in the event of a disaster… Thanks to the center’s dedication to emergency preparedness, we know older adults in this community are better prepared.”
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Zachary Iscol, the commissioner of NYC Emergency Management.Donna Aceto[/caption]
Department for the Aging Commissioner Lorraine Cortés-Vázquez said it was clear when Crotona Pride House opened in 2023 that SAGE would create a welcoming environment at the center.
“Not only have they fulfilled that vision, but during one of the hottest summers in our city’s history, this center opened as a cooling center during every Emergency Heat activation, including over the July 4th weekend," Cortés-Vázquez said.
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Lorraine Cortés-Vázquez, the commissioner for the Department for the Aging.Donna Aceto[/caption]
Cherise Sherriffe, the interim director of SAGE Center Bronx, thanked the community for welcoming the center.
"The success of the Center is a direct result of this continuous support from the community; I’m grateful to be a part of this incredible network of people," Sherriffe said.
Other SAGE centers in New York City include the Edie Windsor SAGE Center in midtown, SAGE Center Harlem, Sage Center Brooklyn at Stonewall House, and SAGE at Pride Center of Staten Island.
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Enjoying the SAGE Center Bronx.Donna Aceto[/caption]