Thirsty fans describe all the things they’d let Chris Hemsworth do to them
With the release of 'Extraction 2' this weekend, people can't stop thirsting for Chris Hemsworth.

Chris Hemsworth fans have likely cleared their schedules this weekend for the release of Netflix’s Extraction 2, a follow-up to 2020’s Extraction.
In the sequel, Hemsworth returns as black ops mercenary Tyler Rake.
“Back from the brink of death, highly skilled commando Tyler Rake takes on another dangerous mission: saving the imprisoned family of a ruthless gangster.”
And we’re sure Hemsworth’s many admirers want him to use his “skills” on them!
Of course, there’s no evidence that the 39-year-old plays for our team—aside from the power-bottom energy he exuded while puckering up with a very lucky quokka a few years ago. (At least he’s an ally, having urged his fellow Australians to vote in favor of same-sex marriage in 2017.)
Nevertheless, fans of varying genders and sexualities have been drooling over Hemsworth for years, especially after that incredible display of skin in last year’s Thor: Love and Thunder.
Take the thirst tweets below—in which Twitter users explain, in NSFW detail, what exactly they’d let Hemsworth and his Marvel-ous muscles do to them.
I would let Chris Hemsworth fold me like a lawn chair, send tweet.
— Eamon Fossi (@HeadPsychicSBPD) June 2, 2021
I would let Chris Hemsworth demolish me
— BurryNews Burner (@burrynewsburner) April 6, 2023
I would let Chris Hemsworth crack me like a glowstick
— weird bean (@alices_waffle) August 17, 2022
I would let Chris Hemsworth dry hump my entire body
— Bec? (@becbrightx) November 17, 2013
I would let Chris Hemsworth wear me like a glove!
— Andrew // (@And92rew) November 11, 2017
I’ve said it a lot but I’ll say it again. I’d let Chris Hemsworth touch it.
— Mike….? (@miketheseximexi) October 18, 2018
I won't say which side of the spectrum I woke up in today but i will say I'd let Chris Hemsworth re-arrange my pelvis
— Benhamin Maghee (@BenjaminMagee7) July 27, 2019
Look I’m not gay or anything but I’d let Chris Hemsworth Ragnarok my ass into oblivion
— Brandon Calvillo (@BJCalvillo) December 26, 2017
i would let chris hemsworth use me as a human straw.
— ethan torchio his boyfriend (REAL)?? (@silkylucifer) January 13, 2020
I'd let Chris Hemsworth go God of Thunder on my ass anytime ?????
— BS•Comics (@BSComix) July 24, 2016
i’m not gonna lie to u…. i would let chris hemsworth ruin my credit score and public reputation
— ?fawurk? (@peterparkleys) November 5, 2019
I’d let chris hemsworth knock me tf out with his sweaty planet sized biceps ?
— Jeth ? (@Jethnico468) December 24, 2019
i would let chris hemsworth rearrange my insides
— s (@theerih) September 29, 2019
I don’t mean to be graphic but I would let Chris Hemsworth CRUSH my face with his ass
— james ???? (@jamesgallobae) May 5, 2019
God I’d let Chris Hemsworth rip me half any day of the week
— it’s brittany bitch (@CoggieB) April 30, 2019
I would let Chris Hemsworth run me over with a car, back up, & then run me over again.
— Frank Costa (@feistyfrank) March 16, 2019
Me at 14 watching the Avengers: Hey, I'm not gay, but from an objective standpoint, Chris Hemsworth is pretty attractive. From an objective view. Not gay though.
Me now watching Thor Ragnarok: If he wanted to I'd let Chris Hemsworth raw me
— Sandal Seller (@y0o0mii) August 15, 2018
Bro, Chris Hemsworth could fully ruin my entire life and I’d thank him
— megs? (@megannpaigeex) November 20, 2022
I’d let Chris Hemsworth murder my family for a little cuddle on the DL….. I love my family but I’ve gotta start thinking about MY needs! @chrishemsworth
— Daniel R. Fox (@DanielPantss) November 25, 2020
i’d let chris hemsworth pound me until i’m screaming but you didn’t see me tweet this…
— – ? ?emma mae ? ?- (@GOTHICBUCKY) October 13, 2019
I’d let Chris Hemsworth have a go. A ring for a ring….?
— Adam New (@AdamNew85) April 17, 2020
chris hemsworth could have it his way with me. burger king style
— j money (@jordanlathamxo) September 8, 2022
I’d let Chris Hemsworth fold me into a ball and slam me through a basketball hoop
— Mandy? (@mendeee_) April 25, 2020
Ngl I REALLY enjoyed Thor: LaT. I would rewatch it, and I haven't rewatched ANY of the Thor movies even though I'd let Chris Hemsworth treat me like his personal fleshli-
— The Worthy Loki (@Jhintimate_Loki) August 2, 2022
Chris Hemsworth could use his muscles to crush any part of my body and I would thank him. Happy Pride month homos ???
— XoXo Gossip Gay (@gay_rhony) June 20, 2022
Watch the trailer for Extraction 2 below:
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