Hawaii Lawmakers Approve Bill To Place Repeal Of 1998 Constitutional Same-Sex Marriage Ban On 2024 Ballot
Honolulu Civil Beat reports: The state Senate today easily approved House Bill 2802, which will ask voters in November to rescind a provision in the Hawaii Constitution that gives the Legislature the authority to limit marriage to opposite-sex couples. Article 1, Section 23 reserves to the Legislature the authority to define marriage, even as same-sex … The post Hawaii Lawmakers Approve Bill To Place Repeal Of 1998 Constitutional Same-Sex Marriage Ban On 2024 Ballot appeared first on Joe.My.God..

Honolulu Civil Beat reports:
The state Senate today easily approved House Bill 2802, which will ask voters in November to rescind a provision in the Hawaii Constitution that gives the Legislature the authority to limit marriage to opposite-sex couples.
Article 1, Section 23 reserves to the Legislature the authority to define marriage, even as same-sex marriage has been federal law since 2015. A constitutional amendment to limit marriage to opposite-sex couples was approved by a majority of voters in 1998.
Now, more than a quarter century later, voters will be asked whether to repeal that section of the Hawaii Constitution through a constitutional amendment ballot question on Nov. 5. Marriage equality advocates are hopeful, as HB 2802 passed the Senate 24-1.
Read the full article.
The bill now goes to Gov. Josh Green, a Democrat.
BREAKING: @HawaiiSenate approves HB 2802 by a 24-1 vote without debate. This fall, Hawaii voters will have the opportunity to repeal a section of the state constitution empowering the legislature to limit marriage to same-sex couples that passed in 1998. #HInews #CivilRights
— Nikos Leverenz (@nikosleverenz) April 9, 2024
Taxes, Housing And Fighting Chickens Are Up For A Vote As The Hawaii Legislature Heads Into The Home Stretch: Lawmakers also hope to put a question securing same-sex marriage on the ballot this fall. https://t.co/VRsaqX2hRG #HInews
— Honolulu Civil Beat (@CivilBeat) April 10, 2024
The post Hawaii Lawmakers Approve Bill To Place Repeal Of 1998 Constitutional Same-Sex Marriage Ban On 2024 Ballot appeared first on Joe.My.God..
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