Samuel Alito: I Was Right To Predict That Christians Would Be Labeled Bigots For Opposing Homosexuality
USA Today reports: Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito attempted an “I told you so” on Tuesday when he criticized a judge’s dismissal of potential jurors in a workplace discrimination case because they believed homosexuality is a sin. Alito said that’s exactly the type of outcome he warned against when, against his objections, the Supreme Court … The post Samuel Alito: I Was Right To Predict That Christians Would Be Labeled Bigots For Opposing Homosexuality appeared first on Joe.My.God..

USA Today reports:
Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito attempted an “I told you so” on Tuesday when he criticized a judge’s dismissal of potential jurors in a workplace discrimination case because they believed homosexuality is a sin. Alito said that’s exactly the type of outcome he warned against when, against his objections, the Supreme Court ruled in 2015 that the Constitution guarantees a right to same-sex marriage.
Alito said he’d anticipated that Americans would be labeled as bigots unless they hid their traditional religious beliefs about “homosexual conduct.” The court had made clear the gay marriage decision should not be used in that way, Alito said, “but I am afraid this admonition is not being heeded by our society.” He wrote, “When a court, a quintessential state actor, finds that a person is ineligible to serve on a jury because of his or her religious beliefs, that decision implicates fundamental rights.|
Read the full article. Alito “reluctantly” denied the appeal.
Alito says he was right to fear that opponents of gay marriage would be treated as bigots
— USA TODAY Politics (@usatodayDC) February 20, 2024
The post Samuel Alito: I Was Right To Predict That Christians Would Be Labeled Bigots For Opposing Homosexuality appeared first on Joe.My.God..
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