What’s it like when a celebrity shows up at a gay bathhouse?
If you can imagine it, it happens in a bathhouse.

Jameson Farn’s new tell-all book, Bathhouse Babylon, dives into the world of gay saunas based on his personal diaries from his time managing these establishments across North America.
Through vivid storytelling, it shares the unusual and shocking sex stories that are an integral part of the environment. Yet, the narrative also delves into the sociological aspects, exploring the dynamics at play in a venue teeming with half-naked men in party mode.
The following is an excerpt from the new book.
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One of the many things I found intriguing throughout my tenure in the bathhouse industry was that the city had earned a longstanding reputation as a favored location for filming numerous Hallmark Channel movies and TV series, as well as a few major Hollywood productions. These endeavors often resulted in substantial box office returns, providing a significant boost to the local economy year-round.
The city’s appeal for filming movies and TV shows lies in its varying range of locations, often resembling settings from around the globe. The primary draw though seemed to be the lower production costs and tax credits offered.
Regardless, numerous film and TV productions were often shot either on the same block as the bathhouse or within a short walking distance. This proximity occasionally resulted in unexpected visits from celebrities of every rank seeking sex during their free time.
Out of all the celebrities encountered by myself and the employees, I would estimate that at least 80% of them remained in the closet about their personal lives. Their behavior in the venue indicated a level of familiarity with the business concept indicating without a doubt that this wasn’t their first time at the rodeo.
Celebrities often preferred to visit during quieter hours when they assumed it wasn’t overly busy, indulging in some form of sex before magically departing. Amidst the dimly lit ambiance and patrons clad in only towels around their waists, it was easy to overlook their identities, particularly in the darkened playrooms, private rental spaces, or labyrinthine corridors where sex took place.
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Celebrities also occasionally frequented the baths at peak times, seamlessly blending into the crowd. Again, being half-naked, it was an environment where unexpected encounters were the norm, leaving you oblivious to their fame even after a possible sex encounter unless explicitly revealed.
At times, if I caught a glimpse of a recognizable face, even if just vaguely, out of curiosity. I would discreetly view the recent check-in list, and then confirm the identity online in the office. But most of the time I made sure not to inform the staff until long after the person left so one of them wouldn’t possibly freak out on them, unless they recognized him too.
At times, if one or two employees recognized a celebrity, they’d become visibly excited. In such moments, I’d step in to calm them, remind them to maintain professionalism and let them do their thing. For the most part, the staff didn’t need much guidance on how to behave when a celebrity, regardless of their status, visited the bathhouse.
Besides film and TV celebrities, politicians would regularly come in, and many famous writers and sports stars of every genre, game, and competition.
Certain celebrities didn’t mind being recognized by other patrons and didn’t make a show of themselves. In some instances, celebrities didn’t even attempt to conceal their identities. These individuals confidently had sex throughout the club, without hesitation and without concern for who might witness or join in.
Sometimes, the celebrities who were comfortable flaunting their talents were the ones we felt almost needed to be monitored due to the extent of what they were getting into with others in the venue.
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It was also common for some celebrities to become regular visitors after their initial visits, particularly if they were in town for an extended production shoot or part of a TV series. The familiarity gained from their first one or two visits often boosted their confidence while in the place.
After just a few visits, their arrival times became almost predictable, like clockwork. They would return consistently at the same time of day or night thereafter.
Hopefully, those who stayed for the shortest durations were able to enjoy themselves. Sometimes it was like they would quickly get undressed, fuck around, and swiftly exit the bathhouse after shooting a load. These individuals were typically still in the closet and judging by their guilty expressions when leaving, they seemed conflicted about their presence there.
We also had individuals who appeared in popular TV sitcoms of the time, often portraying the role of best friend to a main character. When they visited, they seemed to bring their distinct style to the whole sexual experience.
There was an actor whom I had always assumed to be straight. He was tall, dark-haired, and good-looking, with a strong but not overly muscular build. On his initial arrival, he would appear shy, with his baseball cap pulled low (which made him stand out more). Yet, within about 30 minutes, he would shed that persona and almost expect to be fawned over.
He consistently rented a locker, and none of us could recall him renting a private room or being in someone’s room for sex. His kink seemed to be getting a blowjob from multiple men simultaneously, particularly if they were of Asian descent, and he preferred to engage in this activity in the most open areas of the bathhouse possible.
At one point he began to attract his version of a fan base whenever he visited the bathhouse, with those who happened to be present upon his arrival becoming excited in anticipation.
At what he deemed the opportune moment, sometimes at a junction of corridors bathed in ideal lighting, he would casually lean his shoulders against the wall, thrusting his hips forward. Almost instantly, a crowd of men would gather, vying for the chance to pleasure him orally while he simultaneously played with his nipples.
The men were restricted from doing any other sexual activities with him, and he refused any physical contact other than that while he focused solely on flicking, twisting, and pulling his nipples.
If anyone overstepped boundaries or attempted to join in without his interest, he would either shake his head in refusal or politely but firmly decline. Bystanders, though, were welcome to observe the spectacle as they passed by.
Another actor who frequented the bathhouse had a penchant for kinky activities. He was known for his roles in popular sitcoms, often portraying a friend or coworker in long-standing parts, as well as taking on leading roles in smaller-budget productions.
He had a relaxed style, friendly nature, strong jawline, dark blonde hair, solid physique, captivating smile, intense blue eyes, and an air of attentiveness, and he seemed perpetually on the lookout for something.
Whenever he came to the club, it seemed he had arranged a rendezvous with other men, often arriving together or convening within the venue. If VIP rooms were unavailable, he would secure a deluxe room, leaving the door wide open for anyone interested to observe or potentially participate in the proceedings.
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